
UCreate with Kids

I am so excited about UCreate with Kids.  I just have to spread the word!  Elizabeth, the mastermind behind this new UCreate spinoff, is incredibly sweet and savvy!  You are going to love all of the kids' projects she rounds up!  Head on over and check it out because....

Today I am sharing my tutorial for finger "painted" leaves!  Little Man and his cousin had a little craft club during our leaves unit, and I love how these leaves turned out. 
Go check it out! 

PS Stay tuned for a fun fall project with download later today!


  1. Yay, Alison! This site looks perfect for you. Love the project!!

  2. Liz was in the RS presidency with me in college. She is wonderful and super talented. I saw you on her site and was so excited to see wonderful people I know finding each other!

  3. Alison, thanks again for being my guest! I can't wait to make those beautiful leaves with my kids! {And I love your Thanksgiving advent calendar}
