
Giveaway with L. Ann Photography

Let's be honest--I am a picture nut!  So I am super excited to host a giveaway for my new favorite photographer! L. Ann Photography has just recently come to Colorado, so Colorado readers--get excited!  I have a little Colorado lovin' to spread today!  Lindsey has 2 fabulous offers for Colorado local Oopsey Daisy readers:

1.  Lindsey is hosting a Christmas Santa session where your child can come have professional pictures taken with Santa!  No waiting in long lines at the mall this year!
December 4th
9:00-11:00 A.M.
Location in Parker, Colorado TBA
$35 for 5 edited images on CD (Only 5-day turnaround)
By appointment only
Contact Lindsey at 208-569-8740 to set up your session.
For this great deal, just call Lindsey and she will set this up for you.  What a fun idea.  Who doesn't love pictures with Santa?!

2.  Lindsey is also offering an amazing giveaway for a 1-hour free family photo shoot on location along with a CD of 15 high-resolution images.  This is perfect timing--just in time for your family's Christmas cards!  I love taking pictures in the fall, and it seems that every year around this time, I get an itch to do family pictures.  It's the best time to capture the family to get Christmas cards ready on time.  (And good news--Lindsey also does Christmas cards.  Score!)

I am thrilled to support a photographer who I personally know and love.  Lindsey is adorable, and she is great to work with!  She offers creative and affordable photography.  Recently, Lindsey took pictures of Little Man!  We haven't taken professional pictures of him since he was a baby, and I LOVE how these turned out.  Here are some of my favs:

I think it's incredible that Lindsey was able to capture such amazing photo's of a toddler, especially when he was constantly on the move!

So now it's your turn--One lucky family will have the opportunity to win their own 1-hour free photo session on location.  All you have to do is...

(Please leave a separate comment on this post for each entry)
* Become a fan of L. Ann Photography on Facebook.  Let us know in a comment here.
* Leave Lindsey a comment on her Facebook fan page.  Let us know in a comment here.
* Spread the word!  Blog, facebook, or tweet about this family photo shoot giveaway.  Leave us a link in a comment here.

I will select a winner this Saturday, November 13 at midnight.

Please only enter this giveaway if you live in the Denver metro area so you can meet Lindsey on site.  However, if you would like to "give" this photo session to someone you know living in Denver, you may enter in their behalf.

Good luck, my friends!


  1. Wish I lived closer so I could enter! Such NEAT photos!!!! Thanks for your comment on my post - I appreciate it :-)

  2. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=792342949

    posted a comment about the giveaway on my facebook!!!!

  3. just in case you can't click....profile name is Derek Ashley Cook

  4. I liked L. Ann Photography on facebook!

  5. I left a comment on her facebook page!

  6. I don't have facebook but I checked out her website and love her work.

  7. excited to be a new follower.. come visit me when you got a minute!

  8. Okay, I "like" and like her page on facebook.

  9. I also commented on her facebook wall

  10. I mentioned her in my status on facebook (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=580396623)

  11. Lindsey did my daughter's baby pictures in Idaho! I am sad that she moved, but glad she is getting some good business!

  12. I like L. Ann Photography on Facebook - C G

  13. posted a comment on her wall - C G
    entering for a friend, she would love this

  14. shared this on my wall - http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=141130692602151&id=100000744339301

  15. Posted a comment on her page and so hope to win!! I will be giving this away to either my mom or my sister who still live in Colorao. Oh how I wish I lived there too!

  16. Just became a fan on facebook!

  17. Left a message on Lindsey's facebook page. Hope to win. If she can photo a toddler beautifully like that, I would love to have her take a picture of my family(I have one in a wheelchair and haven't had professional pictures yet)

  18. Also shared her fb on my facebook page.

  19. Just became a fan on L. Ann Photography facebook page. Keeping fingers crossed to win the session! What beautiful work she does.

  20. Just left Lindsey a message on her FB page. I will be telling all my IRL friends about her too. What great photos!

  21. I love your work Lindsey and would love to wotk with you!

  22. I'm a fan on facebook now!

    mandrewsr at yahoo dot com

  23. Left a comment on Lindsey's page.

    mandrewsr at yahoo dot com

  24. Posted a comment on Lindsey's page!

  25. See my FB wall for a link to the contest! http://www.facebook.com/#!/genie.hamilton

  26. I told my lettle neck of the blogging world about Lindsey. Check it out here: http://allworthit.blogspot.com/2010/11/always-behind-lens.html. I also reserved my spot with Lindsey for the Santa photo shoot on December 4th - how fun!

  27. I am now a facebook fan and I love her photos. They are so great!

  28. I also left a comment. I look forward to seeing more of her photos an I would LOVE to win this giveaway. Our baby just turned 1 and we are in serious need of family pictures!

  29. http://zacandchelseabarrus.blogspot.com/2010/11/lindsey-ann-photography.html

    I posted on my blog so hopefully some of my friends can discover her amazing photography!

  30. I became (already was) a facebook fan!

  31. Im a huge fan of L. Ann Photography and I have shared this with all my friends on facebook too! And I have shared this link on facebook! hope to win :)

  32. I also became a fan on facebook!
