
T is for Thanksgiving

I DID IT!!   I surprised myself!  I really didn't think I could finish a Mommy School packet in time for Thanksgiving.  But the moving truck arrives tomorrow, and I have this done and ready to share!  I am really quite excited about this T is for Thanksgiving packet.  My Little Man has been gobbling like a turkey for months.  (Funny thing--he also associates "Gobble, gobble" with garbage because one of his books described a garbage truck gobbling up the trash!)  

In this packet, you can find:
* Ideas for Thanksgiving games and activities
* Ideas for Thanksgiving art, science, and math
* Ideas for Thanksgiving food crafts
* Thanksgiving book ideas
* Thanksgiving songs and fingerplays
* Ideas for teaching the shape of the week (triangle)
* Ideas for teaching the number of the week (four)
* Ideas for teaching the letter of the week (T)
* Tons of corresponding visual aids and printables.

I am super excited about these fun "T riddles" in the packet.  You can use these as riddles or as flashcards.  Here is the turkey riddle:

In this packet, you can also find a Thanksgiving colors book.  It is a little poem that describes 5 different colors you may see at your Thanksgiving feast!  Here are a couple of pages:
There are TONS of ideas packed into 56 pages--there is definitely something for everyone!  Be sure to review the credits on the last page for more great ideas!  BUT... my friends, I am just not sure if I can justify spending 12+ hours on creating these packets every 2 weeks.  I do want to share my work and make it available for our kiddos.  However, I am considering creating packets in the future with all of my own work and charging a simple $0.99 download via Paypal.  The L, H, and T packets will remain free... but with my husband's urging, I've decided to consider this.    

Please read the following before downloading:

* I am forever grateful that DJ Inkers allows me to use their fonts and clips to create fun learning packets!!   Clip art designs &/or fonts copyright Dianne J Hook. Used with permission from DJ Inkers.

* This download is in PDF format.  I receive a lot of technical questions that I am definitely not equipped to answer!  Just be sure your Adobe is up-to-date so you can download it easily.  

* Please understand that I cannot e-mail you this download in your own specific format or send you modified versions of any parts of the packet.  If only I had all the time in the world and all the computer skills under my belt.  I can only offer this one format, but you are welcome to tweak parts of it as you wish.  Thanks for understanding!

* Please use this packet for personal use only. 

*If you download and use this packet, I would love to hear about it! You have no idea how it makes my day!  The comments I receive about Mommy School touch me more than any others.  I love the collaborative feeling of Mommy School. 

With all that business taken care of, you can download your own T is for Thanksgiving packet here

Enjoy your lil' turkeys this Thanksgiving!
I will be chasing my lil' turkey around our new HOUSE!


  1. You are amazing! I wish I had half your talent for getting things done. :) Good luck with moving!

  2. Thank you so much! I can't wait to start this with my little one!! Good luck with the move!

  3. I've used the last 2 Mommy school packets (well parts...my son is only 19 months so he doesnt quite get it all) but we are having fun! Plus the older he gets the more we can go over it since I know he wont remember lol. But I totally would bay $1 for it! Thank you so much for all your hard work, I've always wanted to do something like this but was completely lost at where to start.

  4. Thank you so much for the Thanksgiving packet-it's great! I would also be willing to pay for this in the future...so listen to your husband, and get paid for all of your hard work!

  5. Alison,
    this is WONDERFUL......and you did all this whilst moving!?! You are amazing :-) I love it! Thanks so much for your hard work.

  6. Thank you so much for all your hard work! I would also totally pay $1 for future packets. That is a ton of work and you deserve to be compensated for it! Thanks again!

  7. My baby won't be born until June. :) But I am excited already to start doing things like this in a couple of years! $1 seems completely fair to me, I think you'd get a lot of downloads. Good luck with everything!

  8. This is amazing....as usual! Thanks so much for sharing and good luck with the move!

  9. I look forward to these. Thanks so much!

  10. Great packet! Thank you so much!!!

  11. I think .99 cents is a fair price. I was going to ask yo what you would charge for your ideas for mommy school. Please do charge and do not feel guilty about it. You have done an amazing job with these packets. $26 for all the letters is a small price.
    Thank you for all your hard work.
    Kara B

  12. Thanks for so many fun ideas in one place. Another HUGE packet of fabulous activities. (I can't believe you put this together during a move.) Listen to your husband...I know how many long hours of work it takes to put something like this together.

  13. Wow, this is amazing!!! Thanks for sharing, and there is nothing wrong with charging for all the time you put in!

  14. Wow! Looks wonderful. I have not downloaded but plan on it and would also be willing to pay the .99 fot it! Great job! Kerri

  15. I look forward to reading your blog every day. You have new ideas all the time. I would love to pay 99 cents for all the hard work you come up with. You deserve way more then that. Thank you for sharing all your ideas

  16. I only recently found your site while looking for Mom school stuff & I love the units you create & other ideas your post. We really enjoy the songs that you include & the cute graphics. I would totally pay for your time. Your hard work makes my life easier. Thank you!

  17. Oh my, this is so wonderful! You are absolutely amazing!! Thank you so much :)

  18. This is awesome and you are incredible. We worked with some of the P is for pumpkin packet and I think it is just great. I am having a very hard time finding time to schedule in Mommy school between volunteering, laundry and the general chaos that my house continually resides in. But this is so fabulous I just can't say it enough.

  19. You continue to amaze me my friend! I'm so excited for this packet! And please charge. Like Jeremiah said, $26 for the whole alphabet is nothing.

  20. And good luck with the move!

  21. I found you from tatertots and jello, what a great idea. My little one would love this. Thanks so much!

  22. I'm enjoying incorporating Mommy School into our day too. It's actually pretty intensive to get all the way through a 56-page PDF file and I can only imagine it's about 100x more intenstive to put it together. Why not just offer your 1-page lesson plans like you did before (free, please? :0) and be done with it? Once people get the ideas, then they put their own spin on it and adapt as needed for their "students." I hate to think of blogging putting a strain on your family life. Sorry!

  23. Wow - that is awesome!! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

    I shared it on my Tatertots FB page and twitter.


  24. thanks for sharing - it is a gift i so appreciate! :) stephanie in virginia beach va

  25. Thanks for doing this! Over the past couple of weeks I've done a lot of leg work myself looking for THanksgiving ideas to use and creating some lessons and I realize how much work it takes to not only put it together but than to have time to use. I really appreciate the work and time you put into it. I think doing the pay pal download with the small fee is a good idea too. I'd be willing to pay that fee to download the ideas that you gather to add to my own. Because I have added the sites you list, I do get some of the same ideas but not all of them :-) and your packet is laid out so nicely!

  26. My little nephew is coming for a visit this weekend, def. gonna print this out for him!

  27. I think it's amazing all the hard work women put into these craft blogs (myself included) it's wonderful to want to share, but there comes a point when it interferes with our other job- mainly as a mother. You are incredibly talented and entirely justified in asking for compensation for all your time and expertise. Just make sure you're charging enough!

  28. Thank you so much for your hard work! My daughter and I love the packets. I would also pay $1 for the packets. It is so much fun to do these activities with my little girl!

  29. I love your mommy school! I was wondering if you could maybe put the ABC's in one group so that I could print those off at the same time. You do a great job here.

  30. You are amazingly talented and you are an inspiration to all the mommy's out there! This packet is perfect! 99 cents is sooo worth it and a great deal!

  31. wow seriously? i'm a former teacher and know how much time and effort even one idea can take to plan out, type up and make it happen! .99 is nothing compared to the amount of time you took to make these. i would defintitely pay you for all of this. thanks for making our lives a lot easier.

  32. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you putting these packets together! I have 2 little ones 2 and under and finding time to put together material to teach my 2 year old is nearly impossible! I just wanted to tell you how very much I appreciate it, and how your ideas make my day, as well as my little one's!

  33. You are so sweet:) I totally think a dollar is a reasonable request!

  34. I would gladly pay you a dollar per packet! Great work! Both my girls, ages 6 and 2 , are enjoying working through the packet and singing the songs!!!

  35. Is the basic font hard for anyone else to read?? That's the only thing I'd suggest changing, and then I'd be more than happy to pay $0.99+ for it!!! :) Thank you SOOO much for all of your hard work!!!!! :) :) :)

  36. This is such a great idea! I am constantly combing the web for coloring pages for my little ones. We are also moving--TOMORROW and I am going to print this out to give them something to keep them busy while the movers are running in and out! And thanks so much for linking up to my Tell Me Tuesday party!


  37. Thank you very much for sharing this! You put alot of time and love into this. Thank you very much!! You are very very talented!
