
Thanksgiving Day skit

One of my favorite traditions on Thanksgiving Day is performing a little Thanksgiving skit.  We usually  perform this skit in between dinner and pie.  It's simple and sweet, and perfect for kids!  But even a few years ago, before there were any grandchildren in our family, we were still doing this little skit!  You don't need any props and luckily for me, you don't need any acting skills!  A narrator simply reads a story about the first Thanksgiving dinner.  Each guest is assigned a character with a line that they perform every time their name is read in the story.  It ends up being tons of fun!

You can download your own Thanksgiving skit here.
What are some of your favorite Thanksgiving Day traditions?
Have a great weekend!


  1. Cute idea!! I love how your family seems to make each holiday extra special with things like this.

  2. Oh goodness! This is such a fun idea. I think we might have to use this this year. Thanks so much for sharing. As always you have great ideas. :)


  3. My kids are going to love this! Thanks for Sharing it!


  4. Fun!! Thanks for the printable!!

  5. I'm so excited to use this - most of my family is getting together this year which we haven't been able to do in a few years. This will be so much fun to add to the day!!

  6. What a fun idea. Thanks for sharing this!

  7. What a darling idea. I am printing it off RIGHT NOW! I love it! Thanks so much! I featured you on my blog today, my readers are going to love this! Thank you so much!!!

  8. I recently found your blog and love it! Thanks so much for sharing all of your fun ideas!

  9. I just want you to know that my family had to have Thanksgiving dinner early because they are traveling on the big day, so at our feast on Monday night I whipped out a bunch of copies of this skit and we had a blast performing it! My dad thought he was King of the World getting to say, "Big and brave!" in his shake-the-walls-loud voice. :-) Thanks for helping us have such a fun and memorable night. You are a huge blessing!

  10. Thanks for this skit! I can't wait to use it with my kids on Thanksgiving ;)

  11. Super fun! Will be featuring this tmw! :)
