
Book Advent: Day 3 {Christmas Trees}

It was another fun day in our book advent!  While I am waiting for my library books to come in, I have been relying on all of my own childhood favorites to get us started.  Today, we read The Biggest, Most Beautiful Christmas Tree.  

I adore this story about the animals who decide to decorate the fir tree they live in to attract Santa's attention.  I had to pin down Little Man to listen at first, but he was quickly absorbed.  He was intrigued with the idea of the tree being a house, too.  

Today was all about Christmas trees! These stacking Christmas trees are so fun!  I made them out of paper, although I am imagining a super cute felt version (Someone please try it out and send me pictures!)  I found a pattern to make these here at The Small Object.

I am quite pleased!  These stacking trees are very age-appropriate. Little Man is really into building towers right now, and I have been teaching him about identifying the sizes of items in order to stack them.  He loved stacking the layers of the trees, and he was really concentrating on the task.  It was hard to STOP him when it was time to go to bed.  Of course Little Man found another use for these, too--he loves yelling into the cones!  (It's like a backwards megaphone!)

I actually became a little addicted to making these happy little trees.  I think I ended up with six.  I used all of the My Mind's Eye paper scraps I had left over from this project.

Just in case we didn't get enough Christmas trees today, I dreamed up these little cuties last minute!  I picked up some sugar cones, covered them in frosting, and decorated them with some of our favorite treats.  Little Man is OBSESSED with M&M's, so I know that little tree won't last long.  I will probably munch on the marshmallow tree all day long tomorrow as I unpack my craft room!  I can't wait for Little Man to wake up and discover his yummy M&M Christmas tree!

I am wondering about making these to go along with our gingerbread houses.  The possibilities of candies are endless!

 Enjoy your weekend, my friends!


  1. I just love your blog! Thanks for always sharing such cute ideas!!

  2. Love these! I may start doing everything you do, but just a day behind. We are definitely decorating the ice cream cone trees this afternoon.

  3. Super cute! The paper trees are too fun. And I need one of those marshmellow trees!

  4. I'm in love with the paper trees! I may have to make some for my small people. You have such wonderful ideas, would you consider linking up to my Thursday link-up about Homeschooling resources? www.ordinary-time.blogspot.com

    I'm so glad I found your blog.

  5. What cute trees! Saw the link to your blog post over at Living Montessori Now and since I linked to her post, I also decided to share the links to the cool blogs she mentions, as I am sure that many of my readers would also love to see your neat idea for a Christmas craft. Here is a link to my blog post:


    Love your Family Home Evening board idea and your file folder game ideas, too.

    Great blog!

    Happy holidays!
    Colleen :)

  6. Thanks for sharing your cute tree ideas! Here's the post where I linked to your Christmas tree post: http://livingmontessorinow.com/2010/12/06/activity-of-the-week-turning-christmas-crafts-into-montessori-oriented-activities/

  7. Hi there, I used your stacking trees idea in my Advent Club and posted a link to your site: http://exploreandexpress-sheila.blogspot.com/2010/12/advent-club-week-4.html Thanks for sharing!
