
Sunday Snippets: Just a Day at the Park

I am craving spring.  
Some days I feel that it is almost here.  On those days, I just want to snatch it up!  Monday was a rare occasion, indeed.  The weather was dandy, and Mr. Oopsey Daisy was in town.  We set out to enjoy the fine weather as a family!

We set out with a Radio Flyer full of goldfish and this sweet Little Man.

Can you guess who dreamed up this idea?  I'll give you just one guess...
Yes, this adventure was 100% the genius of Mr. Daisy!
 We are still getting to know our new neighborhood. Although we intended to walk straight to the park, we meandered a bit.  (That makes me feel better than admitting we got lost!) Little Man did a little exploring.

 I do believe the park was worth the wait for this monkey.  Isn't it amazing how 
in just a few short months, our kids change in leaps and bounds?!  In the months since we last visited the park, Little Man can do some pretty amazing things on the playground.  I must admit I am one proud Mama when I see all of his latest stunts!

This ladder quickly became the favorite part of the park.  He wanted to climb it over and over and over and over again!

 Just as we were leaving, Little Man discovered his shadow.  He ran around chasing it just like Peter Pan.

 And of course there was a little more Father/Son horsing around...

Here's hoping for more delightful days just like these!

What were the best moments of your week?


  1. Your little fellow is getting so tall. He is cute as a button.

    Ms. M

  2. Awesome pictures, Alison! You're becoming quite the photographer, friend! :)

  3. How sweet!! Gotta love the family days when everyone can relax and hang out together. Looks like a fabulous time!

  4. Alison, your pictures are just gorgeous. What a fabulous family adventure. I love days like that. I was just cracking up about the ride the agon down the hill shot. Hmmm...sounds like something that could happen in my home. Dads are just so fun. No wonder our kids adore them :)

    I saw you are going to the Girls Night Out in Arizona...lucky girl. I wish I was going just to meet you! :) I am part of the swag bags. I think it is going to be such a fun night. Are you going to the conference too? Happy Sunday to you friend.

  5. Great photography! Your pictures look awesome!

    As usual, your little man is an absolute doll. I'm glad you had a nice weekend with your boys!
