
Family Match Game

If you have followed my blog since the beginning, you will remember a not-as-cute version of this same idea.  Family match was created as a way to show Little Man the familiar faces of the people he knows and loves.  Because my husband's family lives in another state, we also needed a way to help him remember the faces he doesn't see quite as often.

Little Man absolutely adores this game!  We throw this into our church bag, and he loves to look at the pictures.   But with 2 new sisters-in-law and a few new additions to the family, we needed to update our old game.

 I created simple cards by pasting scrapbook paper and cardstock to each other.  The cards are about 4" x 3".

I distressed the edges of the cards just slightly.  Don't you love distressing?!  It adds the perfect touch of character!  

I created the "family match" seal in Photoshop, and printed them out. Pasting the "family match" seal on every single card was probably the most time-consuming part of the project. (Have I mentioned that we have a rather large family??)  Once I created the cards, I laminated them all to hold up against wear and tear.

On the back side of each card, I pasted a picture of a family member and added the label with his/her name.  Now to make this a match game, I had to create 2 cards for each person!! 

 Little Man LOVES seeing these happy, smiling faces!

I can hardly wait to play Memory with Little Man now!  (By the way, we have so many cards that we only play with a few matches at a time, or it would take us forever!)

We are ready to play!
If you want to download your own family match seal, just click to enlarge and download.
Enjoy your day!
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  1. Such a cute idea! Thanks for sharing!

  2. So cute! I have to do this for my little guy, seeing as how my family lives a million miles away. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I do like it better than your older one! Love the Easter pictures too. So adorable, especially the Easter Egg guardian!

  4. I seriously love this idea. I thought of doing something like this last year for Christmas but never got around to it. It surely didn't look this good in my head. You are so talented lady!

  5. What a fantastic idea! I'd like to make a set of cards with pictures of my kids cousins (that they don't see very often) on one card and their names on the other. Thanks for the printable. :)

  6. Still love it--and it looks so professional! Fantastic!

  7. What a great idea! I am loving this - I hope I remember it when my kids are a little bit older.

  8. This is a fantastic idea! Our family are on the other side of the world so we had lots of photos for the kids to play with when they were younger so they could learn who everyone was. I never thought at the time to play memory with them!
    I would love if you came over and linked this project to my weekly Round Tuit party at:
    Have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  9. What a fun, simple idea! Love this, Alison!

  10. That is so dang cute! We lived out of state and away from family for several when my oldest guy was a toddler. We made do with a photo wall at his eye level and said "good morning!" and "Goodnight!" to everyone. I wish, wish, wish I had thought of something as creative and fun as this!

  11. Very cute idea! I need to do this for my little one!

  12. Totally brilliant! Thank you so SO much for linking up. I absolutely love it, we have SO many family members far away that my kids totally don't know I have GOT to make a set of these for my kiddo's. I'm featuring this today on my blog!

  13. Beautiful and creative way to make a family activity even more meaningful! I love it!

