
Hanging With My Peeps

I simply didn't fight it... This time around, I busted out this holiday shirt with pride!  Easter simply wouldn't be Easter without peeps, right?!  Little Man's Grandpa already introduced him to peeps, so he got excited about his peeps shirt right away.

Yes, my Little Man immediately recognized the sicky-sweet, sugary, gooey marshmallow bunny-shaped treats.  And this makes me very proud.  That's just how we roll 'round here...

This shirt represents another perfect marriage of Silhouette's heat transfer flocked vinyl with my lovely Cricut!  Yes, it's true.  Silhouette and Cricut CAN be happy together!  My opinion of Silhouette just keeps on improving... I even met the handsome Silhouette Team at Creative Estates. (They were really the only dudes there!)

Want to make your own shirt?  Come along, my friends...


See... I told you this would be easy!  The hardest part was getting this little rascal to look at the camera!  Whether it be the effects of Strep or simply the terrible 2's, this little guy wasn't about to take pictures for his Mom today...

 Where are my peeps?? I can't find my peeps??

 What up peeps?!

Thanks for reading Oopsey Daisy!

For more shirts using Silhouette's heat transfer vinyl, take a peek here:


  1. I don't know what's cuter...the t-shirt or the baby!?! Actually...nevermind...the kid is cuter ;-) but I love the t...

  2. What software do you use for creating your own silhouettes? I have a cricut and would love to create stuff on the computer and have the cricut cut it out, but I have only been able to cut out using the bought cartridges.

  3. Love this! (yes, the boy and the shirt!)


  4. I love that shirt! It is so dang cute! I love peeps too!

  5. Super cute!! I SOOO need to remember to go buy some of this vinyl with our discount before tomorrow so I can try this use of Silhouette products on the Cricut. :)

  6. Love it! And love him...always look forward to more pics of Little Man! You should come link it up - the link is below~

    Reasons To Skip The Housework
    Tuesday Time Out Link Up Party

  7. LOVE IT! Can't wait to make one too! I have a Cricut & the Sure Cuts A Lot, but didn't know that you could use the Silhouette Flocked Vinyl with it. Awesome. So awesome.

    Emily from Nap Time Is My Time

  8. Oh So Cute! I love the shirt and your little guy is just too darling! I need try some of that transfer-it looks too fun!

  9. Too cute! I have yet to introduce my little man to peeps. If I did, it could be the beginning of very bad things! I do need this shirt though. That is to die for cute!

    Little man looks a lot like you in the first picture. What an adorable sweetheart!

  10. What a great project, Alison! I've been debating the purchase of a Silhouette or a Cricut. When I see cute stuff like this, I want to start my savings jar!

  11. AHH ! he's adorable !!
    You can visit me here http://sailingwithbarefeet.blogspot.com/

  12. That shirt is so so cute! I love the Silhouette (even if I use my cricut more)...you can use both for cake decorating! My mom figured out how to. SO FUN!

  13. LOVE this Alison! It is just SO cute!! And how is little man? He looks better! Thanks for linking up! I'll be featuring it tomorrow!

  14. HAHA I love your shirt and the directions. It really makes it simple.

    your new follower!
