
March Report Card

Happy weekend y'all!
(I used to live in Georgia once upon a time, so that y'all is legit!)

Life doesn't get much better than a cinnamon roll on a Saturday morning while watching General Conference in my jammies!  I hope you are in for some fun and relaxation this weekend!

I'm starting something new here on Oopsey Daisy.  Each month, I am going to report back to YOU, and hopefully I'll be earning all A's!  I want to let you know my top 10 referrers and my top 5 posts of the month.  This way, I can show my gratitude to the fabulous sites that have brought you to my little corner of the blogging world.  I also want to step back and see what you have been most interested in throughout the month.

MARCH's TOP FIVE POSTS (Most viewed)



Now go check out some of these amazing blogs... 
I so appreciate the links and the love!

Thanks for joining me on my crazy "Oopsey Daisy" adventures!


  1. I definitely love the #1 choice!! They are what I used just a few minutes ago while watching Conference!! I also love the General Conference for Tots, but won't use them this year. Grace is a little too young! Thank you so much for all these links!

  2. How fun! We do the EXACT same thing, cinnamon rolls and all! I love it! I especially love knowing I don't have to prepare any lessons for church! :)

  3. I love the General Conference aids! My 16 month old isnt ready for them yet, but I look forward to using them next year!! Thanks for all the ideas!! You are so creative!

  4. Happy Conference Weekend my friend! have fun at the Creative Estates!!
