
Sunday Snippets: Worst Pizza Ever!

Just one of our family's adventures in Arizona...

Mr. Oopsey Daisy is a road warrior.

He knows his territory quite well, and he spends a good chunk of his time in Arizona.   He is constantly bragging about all of the fancy food he eats, so while we were there, I asked him to give us a food tour of the very BEST Arizona had to offer.

And yes, this is where we begin the story of the WORST PIZZA EVER.  (By the way, I don't want to give this certain spot any bad publicity, so it will remain nameless..)

My husband DID give us fair warning that the pizzeria had epic long waits.  He had waited 3 hours for pizza before.  Three hours--really?!  Who waits that long for a pizza??  My curiosity was definitely peaked.  Luckily, we arrived just as the shop opened, and we were promised only 1 1/2 hours of waiting.

I was an optimist then.  We decided to play tourist and take a stroll around lovely Phoenix...

I found my own yellow brick road--it was just red!  Of course I had to sing the song as Little Man and I skipped our way into the center...

Love me some sweet Little Man kisses!

It was my brilliant idea to make the boys climb all the stairs at this parking garage.  They loved the view at the top, they got a little exercise, and it killed some time.
We took a walk through a beautiful rose garden...

 And Daddy got Little Man laughing like only Daddy can.

Talk about a trooper!  I don't know many toddlers who could sit and wait through what-ended-up-being a TWO HOUR wait!

When we finally sat down at our teeny-tiny table, we ordered every appetizer in sight!  We were famished.

And the verdict on the much-anticipated pizza:  It stunk.  What kind of pizza doesn't have any sauce?! Not sure what was worse: The lack of sauce or the totally-foul-purple-salty-olives.  I forced myself through one piece while Little Man was crying, "New pizza!  New pizza!"  I guess I'm not a foodie.  This new age pizza was NOT for me.

The big question is:  What did my husband think about the pizza?? Well, let's just say that even the pizza he had ordered for himself ended up in the trash. We rushed out of there as quickly as possible!

And it was driving home that night I realized that Little Man was ill.  Very ill.  Do I blame the pizza??  Well, not really.  But what a disappointment!

Here's to better pizza, but lots more adventures!


  1. Sorry the pizza was a bummer! Also sorry your poor guy got sick. No fun. Great pictures!

  2. Sweet Little Man... he ges from so cute and happy to just plain sad :( Hope you get some good pizza soon!

  3. So I have to ask if you husband liked the pizza?

  4. Haha! I am from AZ and know where you are talking about! Could it be ___ bianco;). I don't care much for it either! Hope you guys had fun here!

  5. What a bummer about the pizza! So glad you had a chance to get some great pictures with you, your hubby, and your sweet boy. :)

  6. Oh no...I'm from AZ and have a very, VERY favorite pizza place that serves an A-mazing BBQ pizza, & salad, & oh...my mouth is watering. They also have long waits...I so hope it isn't the same place...can't imagine it would be. Glad you enjoyed the rest of our "hot" state. :)

  7. So interesting to hear your take on the pizza!
    I've heard the rave reviews and always wanted to try it, but never wanted to wait that long. Yes, I'm curious too--does your husband like it?! Salty purple olives do sound disgusting though and I'm sure little man getting so sick didn't help the matter!
    I love the photos though! And totally know where you were in them! :) How fun!

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  9. Well... you got some fantastic pictures of little man while waiting for that nasty pizza. That's a plus! lol

  10. ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
