
Best Pizza Crust Ever!

For years, my hubby refused to eat homemade pizza.  "It just isn't as good," he would complain.  Then I introduced him to this pizza crust!!  It is by far the best pizza crust I have ever tasted!!  It is both soft and flavorful.  Now, we enjoy making pizza together, choosing our own specific toppings for our individual halves of the pizza!  It's actually a fabulous date night!  Get your kids involved in making pizza and this could be a fun family night, too.

I have a fear of making homemade bread.  I think it's something about the yeast.  But this recipe is SIMPLE.  Believe me!   You can't go wrong!!   So without further adieu, let me introduce you to the. best. pizza. crust. ever!  

Best pizza crust
3 ½ c. flour
1 c. warm water
2 T. yeast
2 T. honey
¼ c. olive oil
½ tsp. salt

Pour warm water into a bowl. Add honey and salt.  Mix until well blended.  Add the yeast and mix.  Let this mixture sit for about 5 minutes.  Add 1 cup of flour and the olive oil.   Mix until well blended.  Add the rest of the flour and mix well.  

The dough should turn into a ball.  If it is too dry, add water 1 tablespoon at a time.  If it is too sticky, add more flour 1 tablespoon at a time.

Once the dough is balled up, place on a floured surfaced and knead for 1 minute.  Place in a covered bowl and store in a warm, dry area to rise.

After about 45 minutes, the dough should have doubled in size.  Punch it down.  Let it rise for another hour.  The dough is now ready to be rolled out.  (You can let it rise once more and punch it down again if you’d like!)

Roll out the dough on a clean, dry surface.  Use a rolling pin to flatten it out to about ¼ inch thick. (After pressing dough into pizza pan, I actually had plenty of leftover dough after to make breadsticks another night!)  

Take a fork and puncture holes all over the dough to prevent bubbling.  

Brush with olive oil and Italian seasoning.  

Add your sauce, cheese, and toppings!  I like to leave my toppings about 1 inch away from the outside crust.

Bake pizza at 450 degrees for 15 minutes or until crust is golden brown.  I know you want to chow down right this second, but let it cool for a bit!


No need to copy down this recipe... just click below!


  1. This looks so yummy - I can't wait to make it! I posted a link on my blog: http://ificould-ificould.blogspot.com/2010/07/pizza-crust.html

    Thanks for sharing!

    P.S. - LOVE your distressed sign... can't wait to see all the party details!


  2. I love the idea of seasoning the crust before you put the sauce over it -- delicious!

  3. Looks great. I make a pizza dough in my bread maker and it is super easy because it kneads the dough for me, I just take it out and flatten it in my pizza pan.

  4. This sounds a lot like mine. I love homemade pizza! Thanks for sharing your recipe!

  5. I've been looking for a good pizza crust, I can't wait to try this :)

  6. Looks so yummy! Thanks for this recipe. I have been wanting to try to make my own pizza crust for a while now. I will definitely have to try it!

  7. Andrew and I love homemade pizza too. This'll be fun to try. Thanks!

  8. Okay we have pizza Friday every week and I've been looking for a new crust recipe. I'll have to try this one for sure in 3 days!! Thanks for posting!


  9. I just happened across your blog while I was out blog stalking ;) Anywho, LOVE IT! I am your newest follower. Can't wait to go look around a bit more.


  10. I can't wait to give this a try. My husband doesn't like homemade as much either and I've tried so many pizza crusts! Thanks for this, I have a feeling it will be the last I try.
    - Liz

  11. Yum@ I was just thinking I wanted to make pizza yesterday and here your recipe was! :) It's definitely the best recipe i've tried and will be my "go-to" pizza recipe! I've shared your link on my personal fb page and on my blog

  12. I love homemade pizza! I need a new crust recipe - going to try this one! Thanks for sharing!

  13. I love pizza!!
    And now that I'm planning to move to some short term apartments I think this recipe will be very usefull for me.... I won't have my mum there to cook for me...
    Great pics
    thanks for sharing
