
The Perfect S'more

Yes indeed, I am a major connoisseur of s'mores.  Nothing says summer like being outdoors, roasting a marshmallow and feasting upon gooey, sticky chocolatey s'mores!  I consider myself a skilled s'more maker.  I believe the true secret to a perfect s'more is melting the chocolate along with the marshmallow.  I patiently melt my chocolate and slow roast my marshmallow to sticky perfection.  However, it is a bit precarious to balance the chocolate squares near a hot fire, avoiding bugs and flames! So a solution was born... 

Four Steps to the Perfect S'more!

1.  Using a skewer, spear the center of a marshmallow.  Do not poke all the way through, but carve out a little pocket inside of the marshmallow.  Now nestle a chocolate square deep inside the marshmallow.

2.  Roast up that marshmallow!  Spear the marshmallow so that the chocolate won't drip out as you are roasting!  These hungry boys want every drop of melted chocolate!  

3.  Once that 'mallow is perfectly roasted, center on a graham cracker foundation.  Squeeze between another graham cracker and watch the chocolate ooze!

4.  DIG IN!
{Sticky fingers and messy faces are 100% acceptable!}

**The perfect s'more is the perfect addition to an evening of homemade fireworks!**

PS To enjoy s'mores year round, check out my recipe for indoor Golden Graham S'mores.


  1. Ooooh - yum! There is really nothing better than an ooey, gooey s'more!

  2. Duh! This is genius! I've been trying to figure out a way to introduce my little guy to these delicious treats. I think this may be my answer! Thanks, Alison!

  3. No kiddin! This is a fabulous idea on the chocolate! I also saw a recipe recently that used blackberries, chocolate and marshmellows that looked heavenly.

  4. We love making Smores over our fire pit. We have always just put the choc. on the graham cracker then add the cooked marshmellow. The choc. never really melted enough so I'm so excited to have read your blog today!!!! Next weekend we are having a family reunion at a lake. Looks like I'm putting The Perfect S'more on my list. Thanks.

  5. We are all about a peanut butter cup instead of the hard chocolate square. Mmmmmm!

  6. Love the idea of placing the chocolate on the inside! Thanks!

  7. I LOVE s'mores! And that's such a great idea! I don't have a fire pit... been on the wish list for a while... so I normally just make mine in the microwave.

  8. What a neat idea! I will have to try that next time.

  9. Yum, yum, yum! I LOVE s',ores too. When the chocolate is melted it's soooo much better. WHat a clever idea!


  10. What a great idea with the smores! I'm need to try it out sometime soon. Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

    Cute blog by the way!

  11. After all these years! Who would've thought it could be that easy.

  12. We are s'more fanatics at my house. I posted about other s'more-y desserts for Valentine's Day when Feb. cold made s'mores impossible. Stop by and check it out if you get a chance.

  13. can someone please explain why i have never thought of trying to roast my marshmallow this way?! genius! ;)

  14. Have to try that, though we usually eat half the chocolate before the fire is even ready!

  15. perfect idea! also that means the chocolate won't fall off the graham cracker as your eating it.. thank you for sharing this!!

  16. ok yummmm! This is brilliant! We're going to have to give it a try. Thanks!
