
Transportation Card

I think we have established that my cards are not always traditional!  In my mad rush to throw together my husband's 30th birthday party, I wanted Little Man to have a homemade card to give to his Daddy.  But my active Little Man doesn't slow down much.  I knew I needed something to grab his attention--and FAST.

Little Man is such a... well, a little man!  He loves all things that move!  He hears every airplane that crosses the sky.  He always wants to sit on Daddy's motorcycle and say, "Vroom, vroom!" But far and away, he is wild about BUSES.  "Bus" is one of the only words he says crystal clear.  The other day, we took a detour to a parking lot just so he could touch and explore a real bus.

So during naptime, I threw together this little transportation card.  I wanted him to take ownership of it, so I had him color the pages to make a tiny book.  It was a hit!

I mounted each individual page on simple cardstock scraps.  You could definitely use cute patterned scrapbook paper though!

We included 5 pages after this initial cover.  I created them in Photoshop.  Here they are, all ready to be colored!

I couldn't get a good picture of the last page, but it's a little poem that says:
From here to there;
In water or air;
I want you to know that
Wherever we go
I love you so!

Believe it or not, this truly is some of Little Man's best coloring!!  I only helped a wee bit! 
 I had to pry this airplane page out of his little hands, and it shows a touch of loving crumpling.

I just punched holes in all of my pages, bound them with a book ring, and tied a few ribbons on for kicks and giggles!  The very best part was how much Mr. Oopsey Daisy really did *adore* this card!  It was truly meaningful!

So do you have a little guy or gal of your own who would love to make their own transportation card?!  Well, I am definitely willing to share!  You can download your transportation card here.  

The download includes the cover, the 5 transportation coloring pages, and the ending poem.  I did not customize the download for anyone specific--in other words, it does not say "Dear Daddy."  So you could use this as a birthday card for anyone special in your child's life!

I hope someone else out there can use this!  I would love to hear your feedback!


  1. This is seriously too cute! And, really, your son colors that well already??? Mine is still a big ol' scribbler.

    For the record, I think we should be neighbors. Our sons can point out all the airplanes together, trade schoolbuses (I just got him a *monster* schoolbus a couple of weeks ago. too cool!), my husband can drool over your husband's motorcycle since he sold his a few months ago, and we can craft. ;) lol!

  2. Such a cute idea! My baby isn't old enough to really color yet, but he loves anything that moves, and the faster the better! The summer parades have been so boring to him because everything moves so slow. :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is adorable! Thanks for the downloads. My son will Really like this.

  4. Awesome! We've featured you in tomorrow's Show and Tell. Thanks for the cute idea and downloadable version☺

  5. So cute! My son loves transportation and it's perfect! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Love the book. :) Great idea for any little boy (although I'm sure my girl wouldn't mind either!)!
