
Blog Swap With The Dating Divas

Happy Friday, my friends!  I am thrilled to introduce you to The Dating Divas blog today.  Corie is here today sharing some fun ideas about keeping the love alive in your marriage.  I am thrilled to host Corie today.  She was actually my mentor teacher when I was doing my student teaching!!  I carried her inspiration all the way through my teaching career, and I was so excited to discover her in the blogging world also!!  She has so many talents to share!!  Enjoy her fabulous ideas!

I am so excited to be guest blogging here at Oopsey-Daisy!  I have known Alison for a few years and was not surprised to stumble across her amazing blog!  I am so glad that Alison is sharing her talents with the world!

My name is Corie and I am a Dating Diva!  I have been married to my man for eight and half years.  I know that it is so easy to get lost in the daily shuffle of life and forget to “date your spouse.”  Our Dating Diva blog is the perfect solution for any marriage!  The Dating Divas is a 12-member blogging team that love to date our husbands and have a lot of fun coming up with original, inexpensive and fun dating ideas to do just that.  We love what we do and it shows!  We have fun creating new dating ideas, crafts, giving marriage tips, ideas for holidays, and SO MUCH MORE! We enjoy dating our husbands so much that we want to share our ideas with YOU.

A SAMPLE of the The Dating Divas Blog....

One day, I was watching The Sound of Music with my kids and the classic song, "These Are a Few of My Favorite Things" was playing. It got me thinking about my favorite things and even better...my husband's favorite things! I quickly jotted down a list of things that I knew my husband loved. I then challenged myself to plan a whole week worth of fun and a date for us, all for under $10. My idea started on a Monday and ended on a Friday.

What You'll Need:

*Five of your man's favorite things.

*Print the book, "You Are One of My Favorite Things" click HERE!
Cut each of the "pages" out & write on them.  These will be the notes you give to your spouse each day.
*I saw a similar book on Studio 5 for Father's Day, so I just changed it enough to fit this date.

*A fun poem explaining to your spouse what this week is all about.

Poems for husbands click HERE!
Poems for wives click HERE!

I placed the poem in his car before he left for work.
This poem states that this week will be a celebration of his favorite things. (Each day he will be receiving a favorite thing along with a note. He must keep each note because the notes will be payment for the date on Friday.) On his way to work, he called to thank me for the poem and expressed his excitement for the coming week!

Later that night, I placed his first treat by the bathroom sink along with a page from the book.

I placed his favorite cereal out for breakfast with a new note.

Inside his lunch I left Hershey bars and you guessed it...another note!

My man loves to read the sports section each morning, so I left a package of heavenly coconut M&M's, along with another note.

The last note was left with some of his favorite jerky.

Onto our actual date!!

The first thing we did was head to Wienerschnitzel. Each week in the mail I get awesome coupons, so dinner was less than $5! My husband LOVES the chili cheese dogs and they did not disappoint!

The next thing we did was head to my husband's favorite store...BEST BUY. That's right! We spent over an hour looking at TVs, music, computers...you name it! Best Buy is my man's version of Disneyland!

The last thing we did was head home. Once we were home, we headed for the family room. We then laid down and listened to music. My husband LOVES music and we went through his IPOD. We talked about songs we love and why. We did this for over two hours! Even if you don't have an IPOD, you can use the Internet or CD's.

The best about this date was celebrating my husband's favorite things! I knew it would be a hit because everything we did was centered around things he loves. At the end of our date, my husband informed me that we would be doing my favorite things the next day! Wow, talk about a win-win for both of us!

Once the week was over, I collected the notes back and put them together to make my book. I lined them all up on the right side of a piece of scrapbooking paper & glued the left edge of the pages so they were secure.

Here are some other fun posts that I am sure you would just LOVE!!

Dinner Hot Topics

My Man's Twilight Survival Kit

If You're Wild For Him...Let Him Know

The Five Senses Gift

Thanks for letting me share some highlights from our blog!
 Be sure to check out The Dating Divas!

See, I told you she was amazing!!  Be sure to check out Corie and the other Divas!!  Have a great weekend!


  1. I love this! I am so terrible at dating my hubby these days. I'll be checking out Corie's blog! Thanks!

  2. This was so inspiring! I have only been married for 2 1/2 months, so I am definitely adding Corie to my reader! :) Thanks!

  3. i love this! it is just too cute! i can't wait to read more from this blog. it is so sweet and such a cool idea. awesome job girls!!!

  4. I love these ideas. It is so hard to find fun date ideas when you have a small dating budget. These are fabulous!
