
Great Grandma Munns' Hot Rolls

There is just something about hot rolls.  Soft, flakey, buttery, hot rolls.  This recipe is especially special because it is THE recipe that my Great Grandma Munns used.  These rolls are legendary in our family!  Every Sunday on her farm in northern Utah, Great Grandma would bake a huge batch of hot rolls for her family for a great big meat-and-potatoes Sunday dinner.  Just imagine all of the rolls she must have made, week after week, year after year. 

I feel like I am sharing a little piece of family heritage with you today!  This recipe has been passed down from generation to generation.  I am the fourth generation to benefit from Great Grandma's baking expertise.  I never knew my Great Grandma Munns, but I like to think of her when I make these rolls for my own little family.  I think of my Grandma, too.  And my Mom.  Four generations tied together by one simple recipe!

Let me just begin by saying that I have never been particularly skilled at baking homemade breads.  I just don't quite have the knack, although I am still trying!  But these rolls are just so easy to make!!  They come out yummy every time!  

So now let me share with you... the art of baking Great Grandma's homemade rolls....

Grandma Munns' Hot Rolls

Combine 1 T. yeast and 1 tsp. sugar in 1/2 cup warm water.  Let set.

Beat 2 eggs.
Add 5 T. sugar - beat.
Add 1/2 c. shortening - beat.
Add 1 T. salt - beat.
Add 1 c. warm water.
Add "some" flour.  (About 1 cup.)
Add 1 c. warm water.
Add "more" flour.  (About 1 cup.)
Add yeast mixture.
Add enough flour to make a soft dough.  (About 4 cups.)

Put dough in refrigerator.  Roll out 4 hours before eating.  Brush dough with melted butter and roll out in desired shape.  Great Grandma Munns rolled her hot rolls out like a jellyroll, cut it off, and put them in muffin tins.  (This is my favorite way to make my rolls, too.)

Let rise for 4 hours.  Bake at 400 for 11-12 minutes or until golden.  Brush with melted butter while hot.

Top with some homemade raspberry or strawberry jam.  ENJOY!


  1. Slurp...oh sorry I just sucked up my drool! Yummy. Looks so good. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  2. just found your blog, so fun! Love the chicka boom boom game and FHE ideas. Love your creative outlet!

  3. Thanks for sharing your heart and your rolls today! I love recipes that have a history!

  4. YUM!!! I am a BIG bread eater. Can't get enough! These look fantastic. I will have to pass the recipe on to the hubs (he's our resident bread maker - I lack the knack also). Thank you so much for sharing such a special family recipe!

  5. It is wonderfully sweet of you to share your special family recipe. I do have one question that is probably right up on top of the "Dopey List." When you roll the dough out to make it jelly roll style, roughly what are the dimensions? I'm picturing the strips for each roll to be about 3" x 8". Does that sound about right?

  6. You're killing me here! lol I've had no breakfast and no lunch and now all I want is a hot roll! lol :) I may actually have to go make these now...I should have them in time for dinner. :) Thanks so much for the recipe...it looks mouth-watering!

  7. I'm definitley gonna try your recipe, TFS, however we dont have shortening available in a kosher variety in SA, what could i use an alternative, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, your rolls look YUMMY!!!!

  8. These look great! I'm planning on trying them out soon!

  9. These are beautiful! I love the memories you associate with the rolls.

  10. Thanks so much Alison! And wow! That first project 'Jaimie Paris'? Totally thought I was a goner when the letters stuck...definitely learned my lesson before I did the ManCave sign! You should totally make one for your Hubs too! Btw, these rolls look delish. I'm about to post a recipe of my grandmom's too!

  11. Oh my! These look delicious! I normally don't make yeast bread because it looks too dang hard but I'm going to try this one. They look too delicious to pass up!


  12. Oh my gosh I can practically smell them! I am not a baker but I will for sure be trying these! Thanks for your kind words about my teacup clock!

    love your guts

  13. Yummy! I posted a link to this recipe on my blog:
    Jennifer @ The Craft Barn

  14. Sure will try, looks delicious,I am going to check your pizza crust...


    You can check me there
