
Beadboard Pumpkin

FINALLY I have something to add to my fall decor!  
Meet my beadboard pumpkin... my lil' pride and joy!

I bought the wood at The Wood Connection--man, I want a jig saw so I can create projects like this without having to cross state boundaries to gather my supplies!  

I began by spray-painting the beadboard and wood layers and gorilla-glued them together.

I hand-painted the leaves with acrylic paint.  After letting them dry, I used plastic wrap to sponge darker colors onto the leaves.  One of my favorite things about fall is the gorgeous red and orange leaves, so I gave them a lot of tender lovin' care!  I threaded them onto the pumpkin stem using wire.  There is just nothing happier than curly wire!  I curled it by wrapping it around a pencil.

I also wanted the pumpkin to look natural.  In other words, it needed to look DIRTY.  So I sponged some brown acrylic paint around the edges.  As a finishing touch, I painted some orange glitter glue over the entire pumpkin.  It really made the whole thing pop!  A little ribbon was my finishing touch!  So now I feel like I can welcome the fall season!

Happy fall, y'all!


  1. You rocked the Summer decorations, so I didn't expect anything less for Fall. Loving this!

  2. Ack! Cuteness overload! I love the rustic outdoors look you gave it. Very fun!

  3. The pumpkin is too cute!! I love it!!

  4. OMG! This is too cute for words! I love it. It would be perfect for linking up to our Fall Decorations link up party, would love to have you join in!


  5. That turned out absolutely adorable! I LOVE the way you did the leaves and added the brown to the edges of the pumpkin! I {heart} the Wood Connection! :)
    Amy @ The Happy Scraps

  6. So cute Alison!!! Love that beadboard. And the little leaves really finish it off. Great job- yet again! :)

  7. i think its so pretty! You did a great job...now i want one too:)

  8. This looks so great for fall, I love the bead board!
    I have a big request for all of you bloggers out there, I am in a contest for one of the posts I did on losing some weight. I just really need to have your vote because I would love to win this contest! All you need to do is go to the link I will put below and first become a fan or push the like button and then go to the right column and under the 14 pictures, click on my picture and make a comment that you vote for me! I know the power of blogland is big, so can you please vote! I would so, so, appreciate it!!!

  9. I think your pumpkin is just adorable. I love these types of fall decorations especially with the hint of sparkle. Just beautiful.

  10. wow, what a great idea! it's really so creative!

  11. I love these! Maybe it's because I love anything to do with beadboard!!

    I'd love for you to come and join my Fall link party next Friday (Sept. 24) and stop by because I'll be posting fall projects all week and featuring others too!


  12. I knew someone out there in blogland had to have a beadboard pumpkin! I'm glad you did! cute! I am highlighting this at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com

  13. Cute, cute, CA-UTE! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  14. I love this! Its so different! I think the brown on the edges and the glitter was a nice touch.

  15. I'm also a new follower! Come check out my blog:

  16. That's such an inventive way to use beadboard! I can't believe how stinkin' cute it came out too! Thank you for joining us at A Crafty Soiree! I hope you'll come back next week and link up again!

  17. Turned out GREAT!!! Thanks SO much for joining in on Thrilling Thursdays @ Paisley Passions. I hope to see you again this week :)
    ~Lori S.
    Thrilling Thursdays @Paisley Passions

  18. Don't forget to check out The Halloween Scene at SSB!



  19. How wonderful that I was "googling" how to paint beadboard and discovered this...I love it!
