
O is for owls

This week at Mommy School was so much fun!  I admit I wish that O is for owls could continue for another week or so!  Owls are perfect for the beginning of the fall season, and I chose the theme partly for me and partly for Little Man.  He knows owls and loves to "hoo" his little heart out!  And what can I say?!  Owls just make me happy, too!

Plus, I like to fit my themes and concepts based on what Little Man knows and loves.  He recognizes the letter O.  (Funny enough, I would always tell him the "O is for olives", and that kind of stuck!  He finds an "O" and says "olives!")  He also recognizes the color green... not sure why.  But this is why I chose the concepts for the week.  I love the flexibility of adapting to Little Man's interests!

Before I show off all of our fun this week, I wanted to show you how I structure my lesson plans.  Each day, I try to be sure to hit all of my concepts:  The letter of the week, color/shape, number, nursery rhyme, theme activity, and some kind of story.  You can download my plan by clicking here.

We started out our week reading lots of books about owls!  We practiced flying around the house with our finest "hoo's"!  We also watched videos of real owls hooting on You-Tube.  Some of our favorite owl books were:
White Owl, Barn Owl by Nicola Davies
Cock-a-Doodle-Hoooo! by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom
Good Night, Owl! by Pat Hutchins
Little Hoot by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Jen Corace.
Owl Babies by Martin Waddell.
The Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear.
* We made an owl lunch using lunch meat, cheese, crackers, and olives.  This was a hit, and we made it a couple of times during the week!
* We made owl cookies.  (Stay tuned for a post about these next week!)
* We made owl s'mores.

* We created this O is for Owl craft.
* Little Man and his cousin made owls using pine cones.
* We made an owl puppet.  We collected leaves outside to use for the owl's wings.

* We used different colors and shapes of buttons to form eyes of an owl.
* We used felt shapes to create an owl.
* We practiced "One Little Owl" flannel board story throughout the week.
* We did an owl counting game using Easter eggs and a basket as a nest.  Different owls had different numbers on their bodies, telling us how many eggs to place in the basket.

We did some other activities with the letter O, too!
* O is for ocean.  We read ocean books, did our ocean I-Spy bag, watched Finding Nemo, and played with our ocean in a bottle.  (You can make your own by filling a plastic bottle with equal parts of water, oil, and add blue food coloring.  I also added a bit of sand to my bottle.)
* O is for octopus.  We made an octopus craft using a toilet paper tube and some blue paper.  We sang "In an Octopus' Garden."
* We found other things that were the same shape as the letter O, like this exercise ball holder.
* O is for olives.  We made English muffin pizzas with olives, Little Man's favorite ingredient!

Also this week...
* O is for oranges.  We ate oranges for a snack!
* O is for opposites.  We learned about opposites using opposites cards.  
* We made an "O" on the floor with painter's tape and played Ring Around the Rosies on it.  Little Man LOVED this!  We also did a bean bag toss on the "O" on the floor.
* We used window crayons to practice writing the letter O on our windows!

We had A LOT of fun with the color green this week!!!  
* We went on a nature walk and made a box full of green things we found.
* We used our Five Green and Speckled Frogs to sing the song all week.
* I made lime slime jello, and let it set up with matchbox cars inside.  Then, Little Man had a sensory experience with the lime slime jello!  I had the hardest time convincing him to get dirty here!
* We talked about how Apple Jacks looked like the letter "O."  Then, we sorted them into green and orange and made a bracelet with green Apple Jacks.
* We played Red light/Green light.  I think we need some practice with stopping on red!  :)
* We graphed all of the green cars we saw during the week.

I think Little Man's favorite green activity was having the entire family dress in the color green!  He also enjoyed his green-themed Muffin Tin Meal!

* We traced the number one and placed one pompom on the one.  We used index cards to count just "one" car.
* We used green glitter glue to color the numeral one.
* We did several fun "one" songs and games, including a train rhyme, helicopter game, and castle song.  In the picture above, Little Man is enjoying riding to the train rhyme.

Thanks for the fun e-mails and comments!!  I am thrilled to hear that some of you are starting up your own Mommy Schools at home.  Awesome!  I bet your kids are loving it!


  1. Wow, again, you are amazing! Thanks for sharing your lesson plans. I was just thinking I should ask you how you go about planning all this... It's like you read my mind! And really, all your planning makes my planning SO much easier, so thanks again!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. All of these activities look like too much fun! :) Great work!

  3. I'm so glad I discovered your blog!! You have the neatest ideas! And I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your mommy school!!

  4. Very cute ideas! Is it just me or does you little guy look like he's getting bigger and bigger every week you post pictures of him?? Goodness! Such a cutie! :)

  5. Great ideas...thanks so much for sharing!

  6. I love those owl snacks!! I saw them on another blog too! They are so fabulous! However, I didn't see the meat and cheese one, it's totally cute.

  7. I love all your owl activities! your little boy is adorable!:) Thanks for the kind comments you leave on my blog!:)

  8. That pinecone owl craft is just too cute! I love all of the owl ideas, but the pinecone is definitely the one I'm trying. Thanks!

  9. Thanks for sharing all your ideas for mommy school. I watch a few kiddos plus I have my own all day and this is helping out so much. The kids look forward to it each week. It's helping to keep them busy and out of trouble.

  10. Love all of these! My daughter is obsessed with owls... so I'll definitely have to borrow some of your activities!

  11. Thank you for posting these. I'm a former teacher too and have started some really simple lesson plans with my little guy (who is almost two) but was looking for some ideas for next year. This is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for being willing to share :-)

  12. I love hearing about your mommy school plans. I'm book marking them for when my daughter is a little older. Thanks so much for sharing!

  13. What a wonderful mommy school you're running!! You've got some great ideas, and so well presented too!

    Just wanted to let you know that I featured your casserole carrier on my Round Tuit post this week at:


    Thanks so much for linking up! I'm loving your blog!

    Have a lovely week!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  14. OH my goodness - soooooo sorry, yours were the I-Spy bags! I featured those!! (sorry, my head just isn't quite working this morning :))


  15. I can't believe you got so much done. Everything is amazing. The green tin is awesome. I love how bright and colorful it is.

  16. Fun lunch - that green slime is really something!
    I once did a blog just talking about why owls are so popular right now :-)

  17. Wow totally blown away. What awesome learning activities, your house must be a blast to visit..lol Loving today's tin. What is the green spread on the toast..lol Happy MTM :)

  18. Well...basically there isn't anything about this post I do not like. Good work, Mom.

  19. Where did you get those owl counting cards? Love them! My son loved the car color game you shared!

  20. Cute! I was wondering if you made the owl counting cards or if you bought them somewhere. If so, could you tell me what brand they are? I am hoping to have an owl theme in my classroom next year (yes, I know this year just started- but I LOVE themes! :)) and think these would make adorable locker name tags. Thanks!
