
Owl Cookies

Every fall, I get the itch.  It usually hits me around the first week of October.  I have to make owl cookies!  I remember making these cookies with my Mom and siblings when I was very young, so the memories are as sweet as the cookies.  This year, I got the itch just a bit early.  I had to include them in our O is for Owls week!  You don't want to know how quickly I am gobbling them up!  Because besides being cute, these cookies are also delicious!

I know, I know, you're dying to make some.... and I just happen to have the recipe!  Remember:  You don't have to copy this down, you can click to print at the bottom of this post.

Owl Cookies
Sift together:
2 1/2 c. flour
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. baking powder

Cream together:
3/4 c. butter or margarine
1 c. brown sugar

1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla

Blend ingredients together.  Take out 2/3 of dough and set aside.  Combine 4 1/2 T. cocoa and 1 1/2 T. margarine with remaining 1/3 of dough.

Roll out half of the white dough into a rectangle, about 10 x 4.5.  Roll half of chocolate dough into 10" snake.  Place the chocolate snake on top of the white dough and roll up.  Repeat with remaining dough so you have two rolls.

This is what it looks like before you roll it up!

Wrap each roll in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours.  Slice into 1/4 inch slices. 

You will slice into the roll like this...

Place 2 slices together and pinch corners up for ears.  Put a chocolate chip in the center of the chocolate pieces for eyes.  

Ready to bake!
Bake at 350 for 8 minutes.  Remove from oven and add candy corn for a beak.  Place in the oven for 1 minute longer (NO LONGER!).

 Cool and enjoy!

Be sure to let me know if you try these!


  1. How adorable is that? I'll definitely have to give that a try! :)

  2. These are so cute, Alison! And perfect for fall!

  3. How cute! I love them....I'm totally going to have to make these for halloween! :) Thanks!

  4. these are so cute! I would LOVE for you to link them up to my HALLOWEEN RECIPE Linky today!


    I think they would be a HIT

  5. How cute are those! And what wonderful memories must be attached to them. I love it. :-) - www.delightfulcountrycookin.com

  6. Oh Alison thiese are so cute. I love the candy corn noses. I can't wait to make them! :)

  7. These are lovely -what a great idea! And they look delicious too!

  8. Love this idea! I make cookies every week and this will be my cookie of choice this coming week :-)

  9. they are so cute perfect for pooh mr owl or halloween

  10. So cute! I can't wait to make these w/ my 4-yr-old - she will LOVE them!

  11. Thanks for the recipe. These cookies look fantastic. I sent the recipe to my former co-teacher so she can use them with her class.

  12. I made these last year with cashews for beaks, but I think I'll try candy corns this year. Thanks for the festive idea!

  13. So very creative and A.DOR.A.BLE! I am visiting from lovestitched! Also love the name of your blog!

  14. These are just adorable! And what a fun idea! I think I'll have to make these with my at home still toddler when we work on O's! Plus they sound delicious too! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's.

  15. We tried them and they were delicious. We even handed some out as thankyou notes. Loved them.Thanks for such great ideas.

  16. So cute. I'm totally into owls right now because I'm decorating my son's nursery with them. Glad you posted pics because I wouldn't have known how you got the chocolate baked into the middle.

  17. I love them. My husband's grandma used to make them every year for Halloween, but now she's gone and since we live in her house, I thought it would be nice to pick up the tradition. It's so neat to see it's someone else's tradition, too! Happy fall!
