
Fall Pictures & Mommy School Q&A

Before sharing my thoughts about Mommy School this week, I wanted to share some pictures from last night.  We are enjoying a gorgeous Indian summer, but the leaves haven't changed here yet!  So we drove 80 miles up in the mountains to get a taste of fall.  The weather was chilly, and we saw a splash of yellow leaves--still no red and orange, though!  Little Man loved wearing his new sweater and belt and getting his hair done with Daddy's gel!
We had to hold him to take pictures because he would take off running! And he is FAST!

Isn't Mr. Oopsey Daisy a good photographer?!

Mommy School
Both Little Man and I really enjoyed our review week this week.  It gave us extra time just to breathe and get over our nasty colds!  PLUS I had the opportunity to see that he had really learned more than I thought he had learned!  I pulled out some activities we had done, and Little Man was much more involved than the first time around!  It felt good knowing that more had sunk in than I thought.  So it was very worthwhile for me, too!  I also learned how important it is to offer our kids repetition.  Little Man seems complacent when I introduce something new, but he becomes more and more involved each time he does an activity.

I thought I would take a minute to answer two of the most common questions I've received about Mommy School.  I do have a major in early childhood education, but I don't consider myself an expert in Mommy School.  Yet.  I am still learning what works for us, and every child/family is different!  So this is just one opinion!  Do what you feel is best!

Question:  I am wondering when I should begin Mommy School.  Do you think my son/daughter is ready?

Answer:  Well, I don't believe there is a "magic" age when children are ready because each child is so unique.  A few signs I looked for to detect Little Man's readiness for my specific program:
* Interest in reading and text
* Basic exposure to letters
* Ability to follow directions (Ability doesn't always mean desire!)
* Interest in the print in his environment

I firmly believe that you can start learning activities with your child no matter what the age!  The fabulous Deborah from Teach Preschool wrote a genius post just this week, all about lesson plans for infants.  Definitely check this out!  You'll learn how to simplify your themes and concepts for your little one. It doesn't have to be complicated--use books, photos, and hands-on learning to make it relevant to their world.  My Mommy School method is only one way.  

Question:  Do you teach your units over one week or two?

Answer:  Originally, I was teaching my units over just one week.  But I realized that this was a pace I couldn't maintain! I love so many ideas that I can't narrow it down!  From now on, I will be teaching Mommy School units over 2 weeks.  I think this will give us an opportunity to do more repetition of activities, too.  Repetition is great for kids!  It will also give ME the opportunity to try more activities.

Last but not least, I wanted to share a list of sites and blogs that I have bookmarked.  These are sites that I review on a weekly basis to reap all the great ideas that I can!!  I don't like to reinvent the wheel, so I love new ideas for teaching!  Do you have a favorite  website for teaching preschool to your tots?  Leave me a comment so I can check it out--I am always hungry for more ideas!

Favorite Mommy School Sources

Whew!  That's a lot of great ideas!  I also have a BIG surprise for you next week!!  I have a 40-page packet all prepared with all of my ideas typed up and all of the necessary visual aids!  I have everything in one place, so if you are following along at home, you'll have all the ideas at your fingertips!  I am getting more and more organized as we go.  So stay tuned for next week:  L is for Leaves!


  1. can't wait for the packet! love your ideas!

  2. I love all your ideas - thanks for sharing! If you haven't checked out confessions of a homeschooler, you should definitely do that! You would LOVE Erica's ABC curriculum :-) Another big one that I look pretty much every day is 1+1+1=1..........she has tot school and a Raising Rock Stars preschool program. One more greta one is Totally Tots. Check them out - hope you like em!

  3. Those pictures are fabulous. I am loving all these sites. I do simplistic stuff with my son at home, but you really are inspiring me to do more. Thank you! Looking forward to your 40 page information.

  4. Yay...I can't wait to see the next lesson plan. We did mommy school this week. We really couldn't do as much because my 2 year old was so resistant but we did what we could and my five year loved having more learning time with me outside of school. Adjusting to school was hard for him. For the first week he kept asking why I couldn't be his teacher. So teaching him again was fun for both of us. Now if we can just get little brother to enjoy it...

    Cute pictures by the way!

  5. Wow! You are amazing. I can't believe all the work that you put into sharing all of your awesome ideas. I mean, I'm very grateful and excited, but you are waaay nicer than I am. :) And thanks for the link over to Teach Preschool -- I've been wondering the best way to adapt lessons for my 1 year old so that it's a good experience for both of us. Thanks again and have a great rest-of-weekend!

  6. Thanks for all your hard work! You have definitely inspired me to start Mommy School with my little girl! Plus you have the greatest blog to! Tons of cute ideas and yummy recipes (tried the snicker doodle muffins for conference weekend - they were delicious!) Thanks again! I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  7. Thanks so much for these amazing mommy school ideas! I had the same thought about 2 months ago, but I wasn't sure how to go about getting started! I wrote down a whole bunch of themes, foods, thoughts, scripture stories, you name it, I just couldn't figure out how to put it all together and make it fun for him! Thank you so much for sharing!

  8. I am a preschool teacher and have fallen in love with your blog! Thank you for all of your fun ideas. My favorite website is:


    It has so many different themes, and under each theme are art ideas, game ideas, science, snacks, songs, and a misc section. It's awesome, definitely check it out!
