
H is for Halloween Packet

**Updated:  All links are working now!**

If you're new to Oopsey Daisy, I recently decided to combine my 2 favorite roles--teacher and Mommy.  Every week, I teach "Mommy School" to my 20-month-old Little Man.  It's an adventure teaching a toddler, but every week, we focus on a theme, letter, number, color, and song. I absolutely LOVE Mommy School!

This week, we finished up our "L is for Leaves" unit in Mommy School.  We did a whole lot, but I was not a very good photographer this week. 

I am super duper excited about this upcoming week in Mommy School.  Halloween was always my favorite time to teach, and Little Man is just starting to really enjoy the holiday.  So the next couple of weeks are going to be FUN!  I have compiled a gigantic 60-page packet this week!!  And yes, it's a printable packet that you can enjoy with your little ones at home!  I have gotten very little sleep this week as I compiled this packet, trying to have it done so we could enjoy it as much as possible before Halloween rolls around!  So I am crossing my fingers that you'll enjoy it too!!

In this packet, you will find:
* Halloween learning games and activities
* Tons of Halloween art ideas.
* Halloween Science, Math, and literature connections
* Food Ideas
* FOUR flannel board stories with corresponding visual aids
* Book ideas
* Songs and fingerplays
* Halloween party ideas for toddlers
* Ideas for the color, number, and letter of the week.
* TONS of visual aids and learning activities ready to go.

Honestly, there is no way I could do all of these activities in even 2 weeks.  However, I wanted to compile everything in one packet so I could have all the ideas in one place for years to come.  So choose some of your favorites to do with your own little one this week! 

Some of my favorite ideas in this packet are these Halloween movement cards:

You can use these cards with your kiddos to get out the wiggles in a "spooky" way!

Just a note:  This packet took an incredible amount of time to create! I want to share this with you because I believe in teaching our little ones at home.  Please review the credits on the back page of the packet so you can see where I searched for ideas!  Also, I would love to hear about your learning fun if you use this packet!  Then I can tell my husband that the late nights were worth it!  :) 

You can download your own H is for Halloween packet here.

Just a note...
* I am forever grateful to DJ Inker's for allowing me to create fun learning tools using their products!!
* Clip art designs &/or fonts copyright Dianne J Hook. Used with permission from DJ Inkers.

Have a "spooktacular" week with your kiddos!


  1. Love the Yellow Pumpkin Book! Thanks so much for sharing! It is truly appreciated! Kerri

  2. YOU ARE AMAZING!! Oh my goodness, thank you, thank you! I'm a 2nd grade teacher and now a mommy to an almost 1 year-old. I LOVE when my Google Reader says Oopsy Daisy has a new post. When I tried opening the big Halloween file, it said that file isn't valid when on the Share site. Maybe it's just me?

  3. I can't get it to work. It says the link is not valid???? I love your stuff. I've been downloading all of your fun ideas for awhile. I truly appreciate all your hard work.

  4. I had the same problem. The link isn't valid for me either. It looks cute though!

  5. I can't get it to work either. Thank you so much for all your hard work!!!

  6. I can't get it to work. It says the link is not valid. I would love to have it for this week! I use so many of your mommy school lessons. Thank you so much for all of your hard work!

  7. It works! WOW! What an amazing packet!!!! Thank you so much! I used to teach 1st grade before becoming a SAHM, so I really appreciate all of your hard work! Thanks!!!!

  8. This is AMAZING! You are AMAZING for making it! Thanks so much for sharing! My kids are going to LOVE this!!! Thanks a ton!!!

  9. We are doing monsters next week so I had found some of those monster ideas to use for our lesson. I'll have to add in the monster mash freeze game.

  10. I've been gathering Halloween stuff to do next week so this packet came just in time! It is great. I'll have to link this post up with my Halloween post. :)

  11. I teach Mommy School to my munchkin and 3 others (the moms switch off each week). One of my themes next week is Halloween, so this could not have come at a more perfect time. Thank you so much. I can't wait to print off all this fun stuff!

  12. I just found your blog, a week ago!!! Im so excited to use all your fun, creative ideas..We have a little home school group in my neighborhood!!! SO this is going to be very helpful. Thank you

  13. Thank you so much! I am so excited to use everything with John! :)

  14. I recently found your blog & I love love love the Mommy school posts. I do "Mom School" for my little one too & your packets add some pop to our lessons. Thank you!

  15. THANK YOU so much for sharing this!! I do "mommy school" with my 3 year old and his friends, each of the moms teach a week, and I love new ideas! I am doing the second half of the letter H on Monday so this packet is perfect!!
    I will definitely be back for more great ideas!

  16. Ok, I am so not computer savvy, but where do I find the file once I have downloaded it??!!


  17. I Love Love LOVE your blog. So many great ideas! I have 3 little ones still at home under the age of 5 so all the stuff you do and post is AMAZING! I love it. Seriously. All your hard work is most appreciated! Thanks!

  18. The whole unit is amazing! Thanks for you great homeschooling ideas!

  19. Used to teach 4th grade. Now I have three small ones of my own. I do a preshcool swap. This packet is AMAZING and I can't even begin to imagine the hours it took to compile it all into one major file. Thank you for not only doing this but sharing it with us all. THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Tell husband it is so very worth it!

  20. Alison- You're awesome! Thanks so much! We'll definitely be using this and sharing it with our friends at Joy School. Tell Mr. Oopsey that the late nights were definitely worth it! And I'm sure you're little man's going to LOVE it as well!

  21. Wow. You are amazing and I appreciate all you share with the bloggy world. Fantastic!

  22. OMG!!!! Thank you soooooooo very much!!! We are doing letter H next week and this is soooo PERFECT!!!....thank ypu so very much, again....you're amazing! My daughter would love this for sure....

  23. Just found your blog from a little tipsey and I love it. The files are incredible. Thanks for putting so much time and effort into putting them together. I'm definitly a fan and going to follow the mommy school ideas.

  24. Thank you SO much! I really appreciate these posts! I have a 2 year old son who is a sponge and is absorbing EVERYTHING and these posts have made teaching him SO much easier! Last week we did A is for apple... and autumn, so I kind of combined two of your posts into one. He had SO much fun! I'm looking forward to doing this weeks activities, although, I think I may change it so it's P is for pumpkin... and potty... just to introduce him to the idea of using a potty! But thank you so much for making these ideas so easy to use!

  25. Thank you so much for this! I have printed the visual aids and am putting my lesson plan together for the next two weeks - one week focusing on the Halloween things and than one week on some of the other things. I am so excited! Your hard work is so appreciated. I taught older grades so I didn't get into all of the early learning stuff and you have really taught me a lot in just the few lessons you've done. Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!!

  26. Thanks so much for the wonderful activities! I especially love the Halloween movement cards and colors book. I featured your Halloween packet at http://www.facebook.com/LivingMontessoriNow

    By the way, to Cara, when you click on Save, before you click on the second Save, look at the top of the download screen for the location. There's a drop-down menu so you know where the download will be or can choose a different location on your computer.

  27. LOVE THIS! I try to do the same thing with my 2yo but its so hard to search the blogosphere for projects-this makes it so much easier! We try to do one special craft/activity a week but I can totally ramp it up now. Thanks!!!

  28. This is so AWESOME! I wish I could type awesome in a larger font! I read the other comments and I got it to come up without problems! I just can't wait! I haven't started "school" with my 2 year old yet, but this seems like the perfect start. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

  29. WOW! This is great! Thanks for all the hard work you put into this and for sharing! I am excited to start my "mommy school" and to share this with my little man. Thanks again.

  30. Just found your blog and I am amazed and impressed! I am a teacher (but of 6th graders) and have wondered how to be a better parent to my 2 year old. I am not very crafty, but I really appreciate your ideas and downloads that make it easier! Hoping to implement some of these ideas this week!

  31. I am just loving all your mommy school stuff. I love it all. You are amazing. We are totally using this stuff this week.

  32. So looove this! As a "retired" teacehr turned homeschooling mommy of 3 & 1 on the way..this amazing link just added to my fun pumpkin week at school! Tell your hubby thanks for sharing your time for all of us!

  33. WOw this is amazing thank you so much for sharing!

  34. Thank you for sharing! I've been wanting to start "school" with my 2 year old but didn't know how to get started. We'll start with some of these!

  35. This is great! Thank you for sharing your time and talents with us!

  36. hmmm...the link won't work for me either! Any suggestions?? It looks like a fabulous resource.

  37. Thank you so much for this. I cannot wait to open it up and play with my toddler. I know so much work went into this and I really do appreciate it.

  38. FABULOUS! I came through the link you added at ABC & 123 for Show and Tell. Thanks so much for sharing your resource! I have two book printables from the classroom days kinda like your Carle inspired one, one is a color in and one is like a rebus with die cuts. Can't wait to add this one, it looks like the quickest and easiest to use.

  39. So awesome! Found you through Katie's Nesting Spot, my girls will love this, thank you for sharing it with us. ^_^

  40. Thank you so much! These are super cute. I appreciate the time you spent to put these together and it's awesome that you shared them with all of us! I know my daughters will love these.

  41. Your blog is awesome! I teach preschool and will be using and sharing your ideas. Thanks for all the hard work. It looks great. Following from ABC & 123.

  42. Thank you so much for this packet! I just found your blog from a post from the Families are Fun blog, and will be following now!

  43. I can't believe my luck! Its my turn to teach preschool tomorrow and I have a few ideas, but needed a few more to fill the time. These activities are PERFECT! Thanks for being so willing to share!

  44. You're amazing! Thank you for adding that packet...I teach Kindergarten Autistic Support...and some of those activities were developmentally perfect for my students :) I wrote about your blog in my post about Halloween sensory boxes...


    Hope you have a great weekend with your beautiful family!! :)

  45. Thank you thank you!! These are amazing I can't wait to use them with my kiddo's next year! I love your blog as well!

  46. After the copyrighted images are removed, will it be re-posted again? Just was wondering because I love your Halloween movement cards. This is a fun and creative way to get my students exercising in class :) Thanks for sharing your ideas...

  47. Thank You!!! Love, love, love your movement cards!

  48. thank you very much! I wish I had your talent! I would be more than happy to pay for the other holidays! you put in alot of time and this packet is wonderful! thank you thank you!
