
Spider Applique Shirt

I must have a disease.  Last year, every time a special occasion rolled around, I made Little Man some kind of festive holiday shirt or onesie.  This year, I told myself, "He's too old for that."  But still, I got sucked in to making Little Man a Halloween shirt.  He is just so fascinated with spiders.  I don't necessarily want to encourage the fascination with bugs, but I do love his excitement for Halloween.  So I grabbed some scraps, and came up with this spider applique shirt!

I love appliques.  I do.  But lately, I have had tons of problems with the sewing machine needle getting stuck in 100% cotton shirts, ripping a tiny hole in the process.  I would chalk it up as my own inexperience, but even my Mother has the same problem.  Anyway, after making quiet books and rediscovering my love for felt, I decided to use felt instead!  It worked beautifully!

I know, I know... my spider has 6 legs instead of 8!  But with 8 legs, he looked entirely too crowded, so I stuck with just 6.

Besides the black-and-white center of the spider, I used felt for everything else!  The spider is hanging by black ricrac.  He's a cute lil' spider, don't you think?!  Little Man begged to wear it as soon as he saw it.  Dang it.  I'll probably get sucked into making a Thanksgiving shirt.  Christmas, too!  Love that Little Man smile!

If you would like to whip up your own in time for Halloween, you can print your own template here.
Happy sewing!


  1. That's so cute! Most appliques you see are for girls, it's nice to see one for a boy since I have an 18 month old and another due in December....both boys. Did you just sew the felt straight on, or did you have to use any sort of interfacing? I am a total newbie at sewing and dont know what I'm talking about most of the time lol.

  2. Super cute! I love the spider with the felt and ric rac. Very festive! What little boy wouldn't want to wear this? :)

  3. Girl, you are so creative. I love reading your blog and all of your amazing ideas. You are truly gifted. Thank you for sharing!

  4. So cute. I have a new little man and just might have to make this. As to your "hole" problem . . . have you changed your needle lately. Needles get little burrs on them as they wear out and will rip fabric. Good luck. Thanks for all your fun ideas.

  5. My almost four year old saw me reading your post and wants a spider shirt too!

  6. What a darling little shirt! Jack is 4, but he still loves holiday shirts. So you have a while yet before they aren't "cool." ;)

  7. I love this!!
    I recently had a post where my spiders also only had 6 legs...maybe they are wrong and we are right...
    Are you using a ball point needle?
    Different fabric uses different needles. The one for t shirt material is rounded at the bottom so it doesn't poke holes in the fabric, It kind of pushes through...I hope that helps...if not...Ignore me!!!!
    Have a great day!!!

  8. How cute is that!! I love that little spider. And he's not too old for adorable shirts his mommy made him.

  9. This is darling! I want one for me! ;)

    Another idea about the needle--do you put a stabilizer under your t-shirt (inside) in addition to the rest of it? It can really help.

  10. That is the cutest spider I've ever seen! Who needs eight legs? Thanks for sharing.

  11. aww... so so so cute! love the shirt-- great job!
    thanks so much for linking up to a crafty soiree... you always make the cutest things!
