
Disco Ball Ornament

Back in October, I became a bit obsessed with making Christmas tree ornaments.  I found myself with one extra styrofoam ball, and this little disco ball ornament just happened!  It's easy and fun to make... come see!

Styrofoam ball
2 rolls of sequins (I just barely ran out and had to buy the second roll.  Totally worth it, though!)
Small ribbon loop to hang
Hot glue gun

Begin by hot gluing the end of your sequin roll.  Just start wrapping around, securing it with hot glue.  Just make sure as you hot glue that your sequin roll doesn't flip around.  One side looks slightly different than the other.  This happened to me, and I had to re-do that part.

Keep on wrapping...

As you get close to the opposite end of the ball, leave part of it open.  Make a small loop out of ribbon and hot glue it into place.  Then wrap the rest of the sequins all around.  And you're done!

This little guys is really lighting up our Christmas tree!

Oh, and just in case you are wondering about Day 12 of our Book Advent, I'll share a quick recap.  We read this book:

This is a simple, sweet story of the first Christmas.  I think I purchased it originally through a Scholastic book order.  It was absolutely perfect for Little Man.  In connection, we read the story of the first Christmas out of the book of Luke over candlelight.  This is one of my favorite traditions!  Something about reading over candlelight makes it that much more special!  

We didn't take any pictures because... well, I only had a husband home for one solid day before he packed up to leave town again... I was scatterbrained to say the least!  

In the middle of all of your Christmas baking, shopping, and wrapping, 
thanks for reading Oopsey Daisy!


  1. Very cute!! Sweet idea and it looks in your deco!

  2. Super cute and easy ornament. That is the kind I need.

  3. What a cute accent to your Christmas decor! I love it!

  4. I love this little ornament!!! What a cute idea. Thanks Alison!

  5. Love EVERYTHING about this! So cute!

  6. I love this Alison. Almost like glitter but without the shedding mess.

  7. So pretty and sparkly! Great idea!

  8. so shiny and cute!!!

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