
Blog Makeover by Emilie Handmade!

Oopsey Daisy had a face lift!

If you follow by Google Reader or subscribe by e-mail, I hope you'll pop over and see my new blog makeover.  I am absolutely thrilled with the new look.  It's simple, clean, and I love my new colors!  Just as I was getting absolutely desperate for a blog makeover and was searching for someone who didn't have a full waitlist (near impossible!), I received a wonderful e-mail.

Emilie from Emilie Handmade e-mailed me and offered her services to me!  I was thrilled--it was like she had read my mind!  I had read Emilie's blog and loved it.  This lady sews, scrapbooks, crafts, and takes amazing photographs every step of the way.  I had no idea she also had the blog design talent!  But I am so grateful for her talents.

You definitely need to read Emilie's blog!  Just check out some of her fabulous ideas:
Perhaps you saw this headband storage idea featured on a little place called U Create?  Can you believe the genius idea of recycling an oatmeal container to create this headband storage?!

This idea absolutely blew me away! Emilie created this December daily record to remember her family's Christmas happenings.  Amazing!

If you're in a Valentine's Day mood, look at these fun frayed edge bean bags!  So scrappy and fun!  Little Man would love to play with these!

Total awe over this one.  I love this little bird wall hanging!

Emilie graciously offers freebies, too!  I found 4 Valentine's Day cards inspired by love song lyrics!  No need to buy my hubby a card this year!  

Be sure to check out Emilie's fabulous blog and prepare to be inspired.  Emilie, thanks again for sharing your talents with me!  

Don't forget to grab a new blog button from my sidebar!  


  1. Love the new look! Super cute!! :)

  2. Love the new look. Brilliant. Really love the little hearts with the twitter and facebook icons too! x

  3. Looks fabulous! And Emilie has some seriously CUTE projects!

  4. WOWZA! What a sweet post! I was NOT expecting that so a huge THANK YOU!

  5. love love love the new look! beautiful!!

  6. Emilie- you did a fantastic job! What a beautiful new look,Alison! It's simply lovely!

  7. This looks great Allison!! I'm thinking I need a little facelift too:)

  8. Looove the new look! Well done, Emilie!
