
For the Kids: Groundhog Day Craft

Tomorrow is Groundhog Day!

If you are stuck inside today (like me!), this is a perfect craft for a snow day!  We made these every year when I taught first grade with just a styrofoam cup and some construction paper.  I made a few changes this year so I could teach Little Man all about Groundhog Day!

By sliding on a craft stick through a paper cup, the groundhog pops out of the ground to make his appearance on Groundhog Day. 

I started with a paper cup I already had on hand.  Sorting through my scrapbook paper, I found this paper that looked like dirt. Glad I finally found a use for this paper!  It was perfect for our little groundhog's home!  I used a bit of mod podge to wrap the paper around the cup.  (It's not easy to wrap a cup.  But this doesn't have to be perfect.)

Originally, I had planned to use scrapbook paper for grass, too.  I glued the grass around the top of the cup. (Do you see how wrinkled my poor grass turned out?  It's very difficult to wrap a cup! This is why I turned to Plan B.)  I cut a slit in the bottom of the cup just large enough for a craft sick.

You could easily use construction paper or foam to make a groundhog! But I used some felt, google eyes, and pompom to create my little groundhog and glued him to the end of a craft stick.

By turning the cup upside down, you can slide the groundhog up and down so it looks like he is popping up out of the ground!  

I got so frustrated with my paper grass that I came up with another idea:  I used Easter grass leftover from last Easter to make real grass!  I just took handfuls and hot-glued it on to the top of the cup.

 So the question is--will Mr. Groundhog see his shadow this year?!

More Valentine's Day projects tomorrow, I promise!
Enjoy your day today!


  1. Definitely doing this with my little guys!! How cute is this?!!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Cute project..my favorite book to read is A Garden for Groundhog. Lorna Balian

  3. How cute! I completely forgot about groundhog day.

  4. I totally forgot about this project. I should do it with the kiddos tomorrow.

  5. I've made these before with my students, but nothing was ever as cute as this one!! WOW!

  6. Super, super cute, my friend! Keeping my fingers crossed that he does NOT see his shadow. lol! I'm over winter!

  7. Awesome! Just featured this! :)

  8. That's funny, I was just browsing around and came upon your site. Look what we made today too!!
    I like the idea of the Easter grass. Cute!
    I'm your newest fan!
    Scissors & Spatulas

  9. Haha, love this idea!!

    Please come on over and enter
    my giveaway!!

  10. That is so cute!! I wish that I had all the supplies right now because I want to make this right now!

  11. Oh my, that is just absolutely adorable!! Me and my kids are stuck inside today - and will be again tomorrow due to an ice/rain/sleet/snow storm. Yup, it's all coming in 2 days. Thanks for such a great idea. We'll have to check it out !!
