
Hearts With Hidden Messages

Here in Colorado, it has been snow, snow, and more snow!  

With a high of a mere 8 degrees, we decided to call it a snow day today and stay indoors!  But the question is:  How do you keep a toddler entertained inside all day long?!  Especially when we get stir-crazy easily.  I opted to bring out the big guns and attempt an art project.  Not just any art project--a paint project!  I had just mopped our kitchen floor, so I felt like this was particularly risky.  I decided to try out this "hidden messages" art project that I did with my first grade students each year. 

These hidden message valentines are tons of fun to make!  Kids love to paint the hearts to find the secret messages!

I printed out some simple heart templates onto cardstock.  (Although I think that regular old paper works even better, as I learned later on.)  Using a white crayon, I wrote some messages in the hearts.  You definitely need to press as hard as you can.  This is why using regular paper works better; the cardstock I used was probably too thick.  

I used to write my students' names in the hearts, but you could turn them into conversation hearts.  Or you could even just write letters and practice letter recognition.  But I like to do the writing part in secret so finding the message is a big surprise!

Next, using water colors (thicker paints won't work) simply paint over the hearts.  Little Man needed a bit of help, but the fact that his paint hit the paper was a triumph!

As you paint over the hearts, the hidden messages will slowly appear.  Kids really get excited as they see these messages appear!

We decided that this would be a fun valentine to make for Dad!  We painted the entire heart, and then cut it out and mounted it on cardstock.

Daddy will have a fun surprise when he comes home!

 This project was simple, sweet, and cheap.  Perfect for a kids' project!  
Have a happy day!


  1. Hey! We made secret messages this week too! My kiddos love those. They look even more cute on the heart paper, you're so smart!

  2. Super cute!! I love this project. Adding it to my Pinterest board. ;)

  3. Cute idea! Thank you for sharing, my little one will love this!

  4. So cute! Adding it to my ideas for next year, when my daughter will be almost 2 and big enough to somewhat do this with me! So fun!



  5. I'm loving your blog Alison. So much inspiration all the time! Easton boy and I are going to paint some hearts right now!

  6. Very cute. I'll have to add this to our activities this week. Since it's too cold to go outside and I've started bring in snow for my daughter to play with. Super fun!

  7. So cute and easy and fun -- the trifecta! My little guy isn't ready for this yet, but my nieces, ages 4, 6, and 8, still love making hidden messages.

  8. Super cute!! Love your new header too!! Kerri

  9. Such a CUTE idea! My 4-yr-old will LOVE this! Thanks for sharing :)

  10. This is such a fun idea - and has so many possibilities for variations! I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/LivingMontessoriNow

  11. You're always full of awesome ideas! Just featured this! Happy Valentine's Day! :)
