
Sunday Snippets & A Winner!

Happy weekend Oopsey Daisies!
I really can't remember a time when I looked forward to the weekend quite so much as I did this week!  Yesterday was a simply heavenly day.  After my hubby arrived in town late Friday night, I was in dire need of a break!  He played full-time Daddy all day yesterday.  I slept in.  I shopped at JoAnn's.  I sewed for 5 hours straight.  It was heavenly!

It was just a normal, everyday week for Little Man and me here at home...
Sometimes I think Little Man is part fish.  He could spend all day in the bath tub!

Little Man is learning to feed himself... Independence is so exhilarating (for both of us!)

The highlight of my week was spending a day at my parents' house.  My sister and I brought the boys over for a big play date, and even dinner was served!  My Dad is the perfect "Pop" to his 3 grandsons.  They all enjoyed reading the unanimous favorite, Curious George!

And yes, sometimes we get grumpy! We both miss Daddy a lot!

What a treasure this Little Man is.  And he is growing up right before my eyes!

Here is just one lil' announcement that hopefully brighten's someone's day:
 Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
The winner of the Mr./Miss Lucky t-shirt from Lilsteinstyle featuring sam-n-i is....

Congratulations!!  I'll pass along your e-mail so you can order your shirt just in time for St. Patrick's Day!


  1. You are getting soooo good at photography! I am so jealous! I think I have the same camera as you too - just don't know how to use it properly :-) LOVE all your shots and your little man i too adorable!!

  2. Great photos! Is it possible that your little guy gets cuter each day? He is a living doll. Glad you had a day to yourself. I had my day out Friday and it was total bliss....I even got to Hobby Lobby woo hoo!! Have a great week. :)

  3. I recently discovered your blog via your guest post on Simply Splendid.... so many great ideas! In fact, I LOVED your spring wall art idea so much that I shared it on my blog... www.nestingtime.blogspot.com. I'm new to blogging, so I hope that this is OK (I made sure to refer back to your blog!). Thanks for sharing your great ideas!

  4. Oh he is a sweetie! They DO grow fast! Thanks for stopping by my blog and the nice comments about my cowhide dresser. (I am a trial and error girl, myself. I definitely need to follow your blog.)

  5. Hurray! Hurray! I'm so excited! :o) Thanks so much! I can't wait!

  6. What cool pictures Alison. I love the one with him peeking through the stair railing.
