
5-Step Ruffle Skirt

Since I first discovered ruffle fabric, I have been itching to create something for ME.  Can you believe that this is the first time I have ever sewed something for me to wear?! I don't know what was holding me back because this skirt was easy.  In just 5 simple steps, I was ready to wear my ruffles!

Are you ready to make your own?  YOU CAN DO IT!  Trust me, if I can do it, you can do it, too
I started out by creating my pattern.  I searched my closet for a skirt that I absolutely LOVED, did some measuring, and created my pattern using some butcher paper.  A straight skirt is the best kind of pattern when it comes to this ruffle fabric.  (The skirtI used as my pattern ended up being much too A-line, but I easily corrected this later on).  I really just needed a rough guide to get started.

I pinned my butcher paper pattern to the back of the ruffle fabric, and then cut out a front and back.  **When using ruffle fabric, try to be sure that you cut both front/back in the same part of the ruffle pattern.  So if you line up the top of the front to the top of a ruffle strip, do the same with the top of the back of the skirt.**
 After I had cut out the front and back pieces, I measured my waist. I added 2 inches for seams and divided by 2.  I needed to know how much gathering I needed to do before sewing the elastic.  (My waist was 30 inches, I added 2 inches, divided by 2, and got 16.)  I now knew that I needed the top of the front/back piece to be gathered to 16 inches length.  So I sewed a basting stitch, pulled one of the threads to easily gather the fabric.  (This ruffle fabric gathers SO easily!)  Then I sewed over my gathering to secure this.
Ruffle fabric also sells super wide elastic, so while you're buying your fabric, throw in some elastic too! I had 2 elastic strips (both 16 inches) for my front and back.  I pinned the elastic to the skirt with right sides together, and just sewed them together.  (Have I convinced you of how EASY this skirt is yet?!) Do this with both the front and back.

The last step is simple--with right sides pinned together, just sew up the sides!  The beauty of ruffle fabric is that you don't have to hem!  What a beautiful thing!

I should mention that I realized my skirt had way too much of an A-line after I sewed it up.  But I easily corrected this and sewed the edges in a straight line and cut off the extra fabric.  I just kept modifying things until it had the shape I wanted.
I laughed out loud when I saw these pictures!  My hubby was sweet enough to take them for me, but I felt so silly, I couldn't stop laughing!  I am definitely not a model.  But we sure did have fun!
I'm pretty proud of myself...
I just love the swishy feeling of these ruffles! 

Attempting to show the "swooshiness"  of this skirt in my own awkward way!


  If you have ever wanted to purchase your own ruffle fabric, now is the time!!
You can use promo code "Daisy" at checkout for 10% off!
This deal will only last through tomorrow at midnight... so hurry!

PS If you're looking for more ideas using ruffle fabric, be sure to check out my ruffled Easter egg basket and the ruffle pillow.


  1. I love this ruffle fabric and your skirt is adorable! Great job for you making something for yourself, too! :)

  2. You are so cute! I love the skirt!!

  3. This is so CUTE!! I love it, and especially with the boots and cropped jacket : ) Great job!

  4. That is adorable! Love it! I might have to invest in some ruffle fabric!

  5. I loved that you sewed for yourself--yay! You look gorgeous and the skirt is, too!

  6. Well, isn't that the cutest?! You make it seem so easy. :) I'm sure if I gave this a try, I would have ruffles everywhere! :)

  7. super cute! can't wait to try and make my own!

  8. I love that skirt, it's like a much needed update on a rara skirt from the 80's! Well done.

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  9. I love this, so pretty and seems easy enough...if I could only sew. 5 steps too many for this girl but what a cute thing for someone who can do this!

  10. So Cute! Great skirt, love the boots and where did you get that jacket? I LOVE it! I wish I could sew, after seeing this.
    By the way, you pictures are adorable and that last one is super Sassy!

  11. Girl!! You and your ruffle skirt are ROCKING it! It is sooo cute! I've been loving the variety of things you've been making with this fabric. Oh so fun! Despite what you say about the pics, you look completely comfortable and one hot mama!! :)

  12. I am checking my mail every day waiting for 4 yards of this fabric to arrive!!!
    I am a newby and just bought my first machine!! I think I can pull this off...cant wait!!
    And girl you are rockin the ruffles!!
    love it!

  13. Nice photo shoot! And where'd you get that rockin' jacket to go with your skirt?! Super cool.

  14. Oh my gosh how cute are you??? This is so great Alison and it looks so cute on you!!
    I love the pictures. ;)

  15. It looks great, I will have to check out ruffle fabric!


  16. So fun!! You are so cute :) I love it. (And all your fun pictures modeling it!) When I went over looking at their fabric I was thinking...Oh this would make a fun skirt. Love how easy the skirt is too.

  17. Great job!! I'm swooning over that skirt. And look at you! You are gorgeous!

  18. Love the skirt! Did you take these pics at Big Sky by any chance? They look familiar. :)

  19. Loved the Glamor Shot series...but I loved your skirt and am so impressed with your sewing skills.

  20. You have inspired me! I just ordered some ruffles.

  21. That is so cute Alison!! Fabulous job girl! Thanks for linking up!

  22. This is so great! Thanks for sharing. I would love to try this out some time.


  23. So cute! About how much fabric did you use for your skirt? Just wondering how much to order.

  24. oh my goodness, I love this! I have never heard of or seen ruffle fabric before. I'll have to look into it. Thanks for the ideas!

  25. I absolutely love this! I looked at ruffle fabric yesterday. I may have to purchase some one of these days!

    -Many Smiles!

  26. So cute!! Love the skirt! You make a pretty good model too!

  27. I was wondering the same thing... How much fabric do you need to order for some of the projects you have been making?

  28. I really like your skirt & I invite you to link it up at my Fashion Friday Runway party!

    dame design studio

  29. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I just ordered my fabric! Thanks for the e-mail helping me to understand how much to get!!!! Love it! Can't wait to make some!!!!

  30. Too cute! Found you on Tatertots and Jello, love your site, I'm your newest follower!

  31. that is so cute! I love it! If you want to join... we are having a party over at my blog... hope to see you there! http://www.bubblynaturecreations.com/2011/03/project-party-weekend-5-ways-to-re.html

  32. I've been meaning to make myself one, but I keep putting it off. I think you just gave me the push I need! It looks amazing!!!!

  33. ahh you make this look easy! If you have a chance come link up to Handmade Tuesdays @ Ladybug Blessings.. www.ladybug-blessings.com

  34. love the ruffles! But i couldnt find ruffle fabric yet, so I guess i have to do the ruffles myself as well;-)

  35. SO cute! I've been meaning to get me some of that ruffle fabric! And now I have an excuse, I can get some for me AND my girls! :-)

  36. ok, so I did the ruffles;-) with bakerstwine! http://fun.kyti.me/index.php/2011/03/2249/

  37. I love it! You did a fantastic job and it fits you so well! I'm now a follower.


  38. So pretty! I love it!!! I will have to make this one for my girls!

    I have a couple of fun skirts on my blog. Come check them out! http://sunscholars.blogspot.com

  39. This is way cute. I have a purple skirt like this, and a black dress made out of the ruffle fabric. I love the swishiness, too. Guess I need to make another one.

  40. You look great in that skirt. I'm going to have to check out this fabric!! I would love it if you would link this up to my Marvelous Mess party....each party I feature one project on my sidebar for a week!! Here is the link: http://marvelouslymessy.blogspot.com/2011/03/marvelous-mess-3.html

  41. LOVE this! I want to make one for me and my daughter. How much fabric does one skirt take?

  42. LOVE the skirt! What a fabulous idea, thanks so much for sharing!

  43. so cute, i am going to have to make me one. i know, i never make myself anything because i'm too busy fulfilling orders etc. but this is darling. thanks.
