
Mommy School is Back!

 Mommy School is baaaaaack! 
  All of your kindness and gratitude inspired me to get our Mommy School toddler program back on track.

I have literally been working on this packet all week long, even though it is slimmer than previous packets.  I have decided to make things as simple and as sweet as possible.

My packets are unique for one main reason:
Especially for toddlers, I believe in doing as many hands-on activities as possible!  I tend to steer away from pencil/paper activities.  So the beauty of this packet is all of the ideas.  You can take these ideas and make them work for you! There are a few paper/pencil activities, but I mainly focus on ideas with the necessary visual aids. 

Here are some of the concepts covered in this 2-week unit:
* Letter of the week:  G
* Number of the week:  5
* Color of the week:  Green
*Theme of the week:  Green/St. Patrick's Day
* Song of the week:  Five Fat Peas

I do have to enforce a few guidelines to protect myself when sharing my ideas.  So please read before downloading.
* This packet is in PDF format.  Please be sure that you have the most updated version of Adobe Reader in order to open the file.  I am not a computer expert, and I really can't help you with downloading issues.
* PLEASE do not take advantage of my willingness to share.  I will not customize this packet using different fonts, colors or personalized formats. 
*This packet is for personal use only!  You may use this for your own preschool class or in your own home.  You may never sell any part of this packet.
* There is a wealth of ideas on the web, and I compiled lots of fun ideas combined with my own.  Check the credits section for more great blogs and sites!

 You can download your own "G is for Green" packet here.

Clip art designs and/or fonts copyright Dianne J Hook. Used with permission from DJ Inkers. I could not share ANY of these cute fonts and clip art with you except for their support!  Thanks guys!

I would LOVE to hear about your learning fun!
Good luck!

 You can find other printable Mommy School packets here:


  1. Could you make me a personalized packet with my guy's name and a special font and and and? JUST KIDDING!! My packet is printing now. I am so so so excited! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is a ton of work and I am so grateful that you go to all the trouble to put it together. Thanks again!

  2. I can't remember how I found your blog, but I'm so glad I did! I have a three year old son who is having a very difficult time adjusting to the birth of his baby brother. I know he needs extra attention right now, so I've started planning special activities for us to do together each day. My time is so limited right now with two kiddos, so this packet is such a blessing. You've done all of the work for me! :-) Amazing! Thank you!!

  3. Thank you taking the time to put this fun packet together! My daughter is going to LOVE it.

  4. Thank you so much for all the effort put in to making this packet, I'm really looking forward to 'working' with my boys on the letter 'G'

  5. Fabulous packet!Thank you for taking the time and for sharing! This will be so fun to incorporate with my little ones and my neice!

  6. Thank you so much! This is incredible! Your awesome!

  7. Hurray for the return of mommy school! This looks like an adorable packet. BUT, I'm going to need one talks more about rainbows... We really like rainbows at our house and use them a lot in our St. Paddy's Day decor. K?

    You know I'm kidding. I love that you spelled out your terms for sharing! You go, girl!

  8. WAHOOOO!!!! I love this! Can't wait to hang with my little man!

  9. You are so wonderful. Thank you for sharing this. This is going to help me out soooo soooo much. Seriously, thank you.

  10. Great idea! Great way to help reinforce what my son is learning in preschool!

  11. My son is already working on his second page and is so excited about it. :) Thank you so much for all of the hours that you spent putting this together! I really appreciate it!

  12. YOU are wonderful for sharing this with us! Thank you thank you!

  13. You are too generous! I know things like this are so time consuming! Thank you for your time and talent!

  14. Thanks so much for sharing. I too put together packets for my preschooler and I know how time consuming it can be to gather everything together. Efforts like yours make it easier for us to help our kids grow and learn!

  15. This one is awesome! My favorite by far. Thanks for sharing! :)

  16. I wanted to thank you so much for sharing your creativity! My 2.5 year old son looks forward to spending our project time together each and every day. I just had a baby girl and having a newborn in the house... there is no extra time. So thank you so much for putting this together for us. You are amazing :)

  17. SOOOO excited about this post! THANKS for all your hard work in putting it all together for us!

  18. I'm so glad I found your blog! Thank you so much for all your time and effort into Mommy School! My son is about the same age as your Little Man and the activities are just perfect. You are the best! Thank you!!

  19. Amazing. Thank you so much for generously sharing your hard work. I can only imagine how many nights you would have burned the midnight oil to get something like this done. We are going to have so much fun with all of your creative ideas and really appreciate what you have created.

  20. Thank you for posting this! I'm adding ideas into what I had planned for the next few weeks - I love that your ideas are perfect for the age of my kids! I appreciate your hard work!!

  21. Awesome, thanks so much! I needed some ideas for my toddler at home while my older one is at preschool. This is perfect.

  22. Thanks so much! My little ones will LOVE this! I probably won't use the letter G, I think I'll be using the letter L for Leprechaun and Lucky. I think I'll be using the letter G for Green, and Grow and Garden in the coming weeks. But thanks for the ideas! my little Leprechauns will sure enjoy doing these activites!

  23. Wow! Wow! Wow! Thank you! I can't wait to spend time doing these activities with my lil' wild child.

  24. I have a feeling you are very missed in those public school classrooms, I would have picked you to be my children's first grade teacher for sure. Thanks for sharing your hard work with us!

  25. It's really cool that you share such valuable stuff. I have a baby on the way so won't need it for a while but I'm sure I will appreciate people like you who are so generous in the future.

  26. Thanks for sharing this! Too cute!

  27. What I love about this packet is that there are plenty of things in there that my 3 1/2 yr old and my just turned 2 yr old can do together. I have a hard time finding things that are on both of their level at the same time. Thank you so much!

  28. Thank YOu! Thank You! I need something like this for my almost 3 year old son. He was what most consider a suprise at almost 8 years younger then our next oldest and I have forgotton what to do with teaching him. Your helps are an answer to prayers. Thank you for sharing your talents.

  29. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am so glad you did this and I am excited to at least start doing some of this with my little guy! Did I mention thank you?

  30. I just ran across your blog and found your packets! I have wanted to do something like this with my little girl but was overwhelmed as to where to start, so thank you!

  31. Wow. Thank you for putting so much fun stuff into one place. So excited to do the activities with my girls.

  32. Alison! I wish we lived in the same place because I would love to do these with you. Such fun ideas. Thanks for all your hard work :0)

  33. WOW! I just searched for "flannel board ideas" online yours popped up. Then I've been hooked for about an hour now reading everything else you have and this one is AWESOME!!! That's a lot of work to find all that! I know, I taught 3rd grade before me little guy came along. THANK YOU for all the fabulous ideas! Can't wait to try them out/make things! You have an AWESOME blog! :)

  34. You are wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing this. This is so cute and fun and very motivating to do "school" with my son. Thank you!!! So many wonderful ideas!

  35. Thank you for your idea about the food coloring. I tried it with one of my students at school who fears the restroom.. He is now producing. :).
    Such a simple idea....has helped me kiddo in a huge way.

  36. Thank you so much! Your packets are the absolute best. I know it must take you so much time to prepare these. How do you do it all?

  37. Thanks so much! We had so much fun using your great ideas for St. Patrick's Day! Thank you!!!!

  38. Thanks so much!! I love your mommy school packets! :) You are very talented and creative.
