
Z is for Zoo

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your positive feedback about my Mommy School packets!  I love to hear that you are using these with your own kids or preschool classes.  For some reason, feedback from Mommy School touches me more than any other project!  That must be the teacher in me!

Wow, I have been working away on this packet all weekend long, and I am so excited about it! Really--could anything be more fun than learning with a zoo theme?!  We have a zoo field trip already planned, and I just know Little Man is going to love it.

 Here are some of the concepts covered in this 3-week unit:
* Letter of the week: Z
* Number of the week: 6
* Shape of the week:  Circles
*Theme of the week:  Zoo
* Song of the week:  Sally the Camel

I do have to enforce a few guidelines to protect myself when sharing my ideas.  So please read these Terms of Use before downloading.
* This packet is in PDF format.  Please be sure that you have the most updated version of Adobe Reader in order to open the file.
* PLEASE do not take advantage of my willingness to share.  I will not customize this packet using different fonts, colors or personalized formats. 
*This packet is for personal use only!  You may use this for your own preschool class or in your own home.  You may never sell any part of this packet.
* There is a wealth of ideas on the web, and I compiled lots of fun ideas combined with my own.  Check the credits section for more great blogs and sites!
* I do have a copyright on my blog. You may not redistribute my Mommy School packets or host them on your own site.  Please link to my personal blog to refer a friend--not just to the 4shared File Sharing page link.

Here are a few little teasers:
Is your interest peaked yet??
You'll find everything from zoo songs to snacks!  There are art, science, math, and story ideas.  Plus all of the fun stuff like games and activities!
Clip art designs and/or fonts copyright Dianne J Hook. Used with permission from DJ Inkers. I could not share ANY of these cute fonts and clip art with you except for their support!  Thanks guys!  And be sure to check out DJ Inkers when you want the cutest clip art on the planet!
Have a "WILD" time learning with your kids!!  I can't wait to hear about it.
 You can find other printable Mommy School packets here:


  1. OMG! I just found you via "tater tots & jello" on facebook.. and I love you already!! My 4 year old LOVES these packets but being a full time law student I don't have the time to do all the hunting! You will now be her best friend LOL!!

  2. Just letting you know I am definitely spreading the love in my latest post! Thanks so much for all you do!!!


  3. My youngest is 5, but a big part of me wants to print these out anyway; they are just so amazing!

  4. The teacher in me {pre stay at home days} LOVES that you do this. My daughter is only one, but I will certainly be doing these same types of things with her in the future!

    Reasons To Skip The Housework
    Tuesday Time Out Link Up Party

  5. thanks for another awesome packet!

  6. LOVE this one! I'm going to have to download it for my little guy. He adores the zoo. In fact, he's been the last 2 weekends!! :)

  7. I am so grateful for all the work you put into these packets! Thank you so much!

  8. Thank you soooo much! My kiddos LOVE these packets. They can't wait to see what letter is next!

  9. Oh my goodness! You are seriously my hero! Thank you SOOO much for putting these together and sharing these with us! My kids LOVE them! This will be PERFECT because we are planning a trip to the zoo the first week of April! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! You are FANTASTIC!

  10. Thank you so much for all the time you put into making these packets. I'm a former teacher and appreciate and realize the precious hours it takes to put something like this together. Thank you so much for sharing! My little guy is only 9 months but I've been downloading your packets waiting for the day I can use it with him. I'm excited!

  11. Thanks for sharing! I love incorporating your ideas into my lessons for teaching preschool! My favorites are your action flash cards and the songs, but I love it all!


  12. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! It's my turn to teach our preschool rotation next week. I can not tell you how happy I was when I clicked on and saw this. I am in charge of the letter Z which is a hard one! I am feeling like I don't have enough time to prepare like I want to so this is a HUGE blessing. And, being a former teacher myself, I know it will be developmentally appropriate and full of good stuff that is cute too! You ROCK!!

  13. You are so so so nice to share all your hard work! Thanks so much!!

  14. Fabulous, as always!! Thank for you sharing!!

  15. Thanks for this! We are actually going to the zoo next week for a preschool fieldtrip-so this will be perfect! You inspire me to make some of my own packets- but I'm not too computer savvy! Love your blog and look forward to meeting you soon :)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Thank you so much for sharing this! I can't wait to put it to use!

  18. I am a preschool teacher and your little mommy units make my life so much easier! With my own busy family trying to make and come up with creative things sometimes (most times) doesn't happen...thank you for doing it for me! LOVE THEM!! We are actually finishing up an animal unit and this will be the icing on the cake!

  19. thanks again! we all love and greatly appreciate you doing this.

  20. These are so wonderful! My little one is only 1 but I am bookmarking these to use in the future. Thank you again for all your hard work.

  21. Thank you so much for sharing your hard work! My little one is 15 months and I was so unsure (and intimidated) on starting a "mommy school" I havn't started yet but with these packets I feel like I have a friend to help out! THANK AGAIN! your truly amazing!!

  22. Thank you for sharing your unit! I'm having a problem downloading and keep getting a message saying the document is damaged. Would it be possible to email it to me? Lwhyte1980@gmail.com Thanks!!

  23. Alison, this is such a generous thing for you to do for everyone! You rock!

  24. Oh so cute! I can't wait to do this lesson. He loves animals and the zoo is always fun to visit! Thanks so much for continuing doing these

  25. Fabulous! So excited to use this with my little guy when as we get ready to head to the Zoo in a few weeks! Thank you for your time and willingness to share. You are TERRIFIC!

  26. Another amazing packet for our little people! I am so impressed by your willingness to share, thank you a million times over!

  27. I love you for the time, talents and efforts that you put into these.Then are willing to share them with people like me with few talents for free. Thank YOU! My family appreciates you!

  28. Thanks for these packs!! My little lady is 20 months old and loves doing "crafts"! Your ideas are awesome! I really appreciate that you are sharing your creative things with everyone else!!

  29. Thanks so much for your packets!! I love that these activities can be used for such a wide range of ages. My oldest is 7 and the youngest is 18 months. Thanks for sharing all your great ideas.

  30. We just got a day scheduled where my husband can take off work and we will be going to the zoo with our 1 1/2 year old. I've been thinking- "what to do, what to do?" to prep with other activities. And wa-la! You made this packet. So thank you in advance! I can't wait to do the activities with my little girl.

  31. I LOVE this! You're amazing for doing this! So many parents and kids will benefit because of your efforts! Way to go!

  32. Thank you so very much! I just started a preschool and you just made my job much easier! Keep them coming!

  33. You put alot of time and effort into this! So many fun ideas. We love the "5 little Monkey" song idea and the animal matching cards. Well, we love it all too. Thank you so much for sharing!

  34. I've never visited your blog before, but just saw your comment on 2TeachingMommies zoo pages. What a FUN packet! (I'd been thinking about working on a zoo theme packet, but...well...it's not gonna happen now, as these are ready to go!) Thanks for your efforts - they're much appreciated!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Sorry, I meant to start my comment over but I ended up deleting the whole thing. Let me start again. I LOVE this Zoo Unit and I am so excited to use it with my preschool class. I really appreciat the time you put into putting this unit together. It is darling and thanks again for sharing.

  37. We absolutely love the Zoo and a handy packet will be great to have for our next trip. The check off list looks great!

  38. Thank you for this amazing Packet. My Daughter loves the zoo and I had been looking and trying to come up with a way to combine our trips with more formal learning.This packet does that and more! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

  39. Alison, I always love your fun ideas. Thank you so much for the zoo activities. I included it in a list of fun things to do with your kiddos this summer. The entire post is here.

    I hope you and your family are all doing well and enjoyed your fabulous vacation!

    Stay and Play
