
Sunday Snippets: How to Eat Spaghetti

 How to Eat Spaghetti
According to a 2-year-old

Roll the noodles around in your hands for a few minutes.  Prepare to get messy!
Try biting one in half... this could take all day!


Pick up a noodle to see how long it is.  This is very important information.
 At Mom's urging, try slurping the noodles. This may require stretching the noodles up and over your head!

Congratulate yourself on a job well done and get well-deserved props from Mom.

 Remove shirt and attempt to lick yourself clean.
 I am a spaghetti superstar!!

This was our small triumph this week.  What were the best parts of your week?


PS  You are in for a treat this week!  While I am out of town for Creative Estates, I have lined up a some fabulous guest bloggers!


  1. I cracked up reading this post. Totally my son! Spaghetti is quite the adventure at our house.

  2. SO cute! My son does the same thing... he's almost 3, and my 16 month old daughter... well... she just prefers to lob handfuls of spaghetti at the walls! yikes! so we dont eat spaghetti very often, and when we do, it sure is a treat for them! You sure do have a cute son! He's lucky to have a mommy like you!
