
The Monster Sandwich

Ever since our monster playdate, we've had monsters on our mind!

This is what we ate for lunch today:
The slightly scary but oh-so-yummy monster sandwich!  
We couldn't help but cackle wickedly while eating every bite!
You can easily make a monster sandwich with what you have on hand in your own crisper drawer.  But this is what we used for ours:
* Lunch meat for face
* Sprouts for hair/fur
* Cucumbers for eyes
* Olives for eye balls
* Cheese for nose
* Cherry tomatoes for mouth
* Pickle for tongue

Many times, my food crafts are not even close to being healthy.  But with this fresh yumminess served on whole wheat bread, it's a perfectly healthy meal.

I hope you enjoy a healthy snack with your own little monsters!

Linking up to: Tidy Mom


  1. Now the question is...did he eat it? :)

  2. Cute! I second Jenae...did he eat it? So creative.

  3. Now that's a fun sandwich! I love the pickle tongue. :)

  4. Great idea...I wish I could get my little guy to eat healthy stuff like that! I love me a cucumber sandwich and have tried to get him to eat one too...not going to happen! Any suggestions on getting a 2 year old boy to eat healthier? Or any kid for that matter?

  5. How adorable! Did your kiddos eat it? I have the pickiest kids EVER but I want to try this idea! LOVE it!

  6. ADORABLE! Ok... I have to share this with my Facebook friends. I SOOOO hope you stop by and link it up at For the Kids Fridays at Sun Scholars. I'll be posting the next party Thursday night!


  7. Okay, since so many of you asked... YES, Little Man did eat all of the sandwich except for the cucumbers and sprouts. :) He LOVES all the rest of those ingredients!

  8. Lucy would have eaten his cucumbers for him! That's pretty much her favorite thing right now! :-)
    Hope you're having a great week, Alison!

  9. so super cute! my kids would love this. :) Rebecca
