
Sunday Snippets: How Great to be ONE!

Happy Sunday, my friends!
I am so glad you're here.
If you're new to Oopsey Daisy, Sunday is my day to share little snippets of my life with you!  I have always been a picture fanatic, and to be honest, I take way too many pictures.  Like hundreds of pictures every week.  It's a little bit insane.  

Besides just sharing pictures, I feel like Sundays are a day to get personal with you--to show you little bits and pieces of ME.  And today I get to share some pictures of a sweet little boy who means a lot to me.  

My sweet nephew.

This week was HUGE for me.  I did my first "real" photoshoot.  Granted it was for a family member, but I treated it like a real shoot.  I learned a lot.  I took over 700 pics, indoors and outdoors! 

My sweet nephew will be one year old this week.  I love this age.  He is just learning to walk and explore the world.  So innocent and sweet!

So what do you think??
Photographers and moms, weigh in.  What are some of your favorites?  Any tips for working with little guys or gals this age?  I think it's hard to go wrong with sweet babes like this one!




 Here is what you can expect on Oopsey Daisy this week:
* A fun way to get the family involved and organized for summer activities.
* A quick food craft sure to please the kids.
* Wowing wowzers.
* Another FABULOUS giveaway... truly, I'm jealous and wish I could win this one!
* A talented guest you won't want to miss!

Enjoy this last heavenly day of weekend bliss!!


  1. Outstanding job Alison! Those pictures are fantastic!

    I love your new signature too!

  2. You look like you've been a professional forever! These are darling! I'll pay you to take my babies pictures!!

  3. Seriously, you did amazing! These were way better than I would have gotten anywhere else. Thank you!

  4. He is adorable! I love those big eyes. Your photos look fantastic. The lighting and coloring look great! I think the necktie is my favorite shot. :)

  5. Awesome pics, I just love the one with the newspaper!! Now if that is not A Little Man I don't know what is. :)
    Great job!!!

  6. I love the one in with the wooden red rails! So cute.

  7. what an adorable little boy :)

  8. Thanks all SO much for the kind comments--they really do mean a lot!!

  9. Great pictures! photography is something i wish i could be good at!
    this is just my opinion (with limited photog knowledge) but i like the outside shots the best because theres's more color and contrast....the stark white background can be too much sometimes. just a thought... :) still, wonderful photos!

  10. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the second picture! So cute!

  11. very cute! great job alison. babies that age are best to practice on because they stay relatively still and will let you take a ton of pictures! if you want to keep practicing, i would recommend finding more kids that same age! again, great job.

  12. So cute, these photos really are fabulous! Our littlest guy is one this week too! (This year has just seemed to zoom by!)

  13. You did a really great job. I am way impressed! Sounds like a great week ahead.
