
Sunday Snippets: Planting Flowees

What a gorgeous weekend!
Summer hasn't completely made up its mind, but it has showed its lovely face quite a bit in the last week.  We are trying to take full advantage.

We are living in our very first house, so yard work is still a novelty for our family.  I find it kinda cute that Mr. Oopsey Daisy is obsessed with making our yard green and lush!

Is it silly that I have been dreaming of the day that I could plant some of these??
 I can never get too many flowers!  And planting our first flowers seemed so exciting to me.

 We don't have an official spade yet (yes, gardening virgin here!), so I borrowed Little Man's sand shovel!

As he watched while I planted each sweet little flower, he got some ideas of his own.  I couldn't help but snatch up my camera and follow him around for a while.

Little Man believes that the leaves on this bush are flowers--or in his words, "flowees."  He often picks them for me and brings them to me.  Nothing melts my heart like the words, "Flowee for you, Mama Bear."

Well, this time, Little Man picked "flowees" and carefully stowed them away in his bulldozer.  He had a very special, particular spot for these little red leaves. 

Carefully he hauled the precious flowees across the yard. 
He was very careful--so responsible!

Very sweetly, Little Man picked up the flowees... 
stood up on his tiptoes... 
and threw them into the air.

"Mom, I plant flowees."

 What a sweet day!
What were the sweetest moments of your weekend??

Guess what's coming up THIS week on Oopsey Daisy?
Finally:  A new Mommy School Packet! Woot!  Woot!


  1. How adorable! My little guy picks my neighbors pansies. They come through our fence, so I guess that makes them ours right? ;) LOVE your little guys bulldozer! H would totally love that.

    We just planted marigolds and begonias and I too was super excited! Had the previous owners not left behinf their spade, I'd have had to borrow my sons shovel as well!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. How fun! He is so sweet! It is so fun to watch them grow up and do fun things! What a neat family you have.

    Have a great Sunday!


  3. CUTE! I love this post. I never thought I would be crafty, domestic, or so sentimental, but I dream of crafts, having a garden, and a home to make cute. School still takes over our lives, and no kiddos yet, but I can't wait. I LOVE your blog. Thanks for inspiring me. :) Happy sabbath!


  4. That's adorable! Little Man is going to be a very special yard helper. Gardening is something that really attracts little boys... all that dirt!
