
Adorable Pirate Play Day {A Little Tipsy}


Oh my friends, my friends.  I have been dying to share this latest and greatest Summer Camp idea with you!  Michelle from A Little Tipsy is a fabulous gal, and one of my favorite blog reads!  She's a blast in real life, too!  You're in for a treat with this CAAA-UTE idea!


Hello there! I'm Michelle from A Little Tipsy and I am so excited to share my Summer Camp idea with you today!
With a house full of boys we are all about the pirates these days! My 3 year old and his little cousin LOVE the new show Jake and the Neverland Pirates so I had to go with a pirate book, "How I Became a Pirate."

I really tried to take a lot of my inspiration directly from the book.

We started off by making "sand" castles out of rice krispy treats. I sprayed the table and their hands with non-stick spray, gave them a big glob and let them go to town.


I gave them each an eye patch and a pirate hat (leftover from my little guy's bday party) to start the treasure hunt. I totally love how they look like Jake (spiky brown hair and a sword) and Cubby (blonde with a map) from Jake and the Neverland Pirates.


And what kind of treasure hunt would it be without a map?

I just drew a super rough sketch of our backyard on cream colored cardstock, crumpled it up and burned the edges. I tied it closed with some net from a bag of oranges. There is a little path with X's for different pirate tasks.


Their first task was to sail their ship.

-aka- inside out cardboard box taped to a point at one side.


They sailed to their next two tasks: walking the plank and the peg leg race.


Last, they searched for the big red X, strategically placed in a tree, where they found two little treasure chests full of "gold." Made by covering plastic baby food containers in brown card stock and filling with Reese's Pieces.


They also each got a gold piece (penny) to add to their treasure chest (tissue box covered in brown cardstock) for each task they completed along the way.


At the end we counted up their gold and they got to trade it for paint stick swords (pictured above) and spy glasses made from yellow and gray card stock.

I'm fairly certain my son thought it was the best day ever as he played with it all day, long after his cousin had to go home.

Thanks Alison for letting me be a part of such a fun series!


  1. I'm planning a pirate bday party for my son and we are totally doing your layout, a treasure map with stops and games along the way instead of a standard treasure hunt, Thank you for this! Love it.

  2. Too cute!! (Too bad I was going in a similar direction...back to square one....) In love with the things Michelle did. Love love love...as always. This really is such a fun series.

  3. I love that book! What a great idea! My son is really into pirates right now and this gives me some ideas for his birthday party.

    Rachele @Messy Kids

  4. I will have to remember this! My son is not old enough right now but he will be soon enough! Thanks for sharing.

    and I don't know why but I am having trouble posting so I had to do it under anonymous but my name is Marci www.themarciandjimmyshow.blogspot.com

  5. Oh my cuteness! We have that book! What a fun and affordable way to make any old day speical! :)

  6. Oh I just LOVE this! How adorable! You are amazing! Thanks for sharing! ;)

  7. Oh I love your post and all the wonderful activities you and your kiddos did. I recently posted about all the Pirate fun I had with my students a few weeks ago. I post all the pirate books we read and I even have a free download of a Pirate Glyph. If you are interested you can read about it here: http://msk1ell.blogspot.com/2011/05/argh-some-pirate-fun-for-you.html

    Thanks for sharing.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  8. Thanks for sharing this super cute idea! My little guy it a bit too little right now, but I will definitely have to do that in the future! Thank you for all your great ideas! I love reading your blog :D

  9. Oh how fun! We picked out a bunch of train books this week at the library. We are lucky enough to have a historic train within an hour from us. So, after reading all of our books, we are going to take a train ride. My little guy is beyond excited!

  10. Hello, there!! New follower from the Saturday Spotlight, hope you'll come on over and look around at my page :) I'm new to this, and have tons of tabs that I'm trying to fulfill with some awesome Blogging Mommies.

    Name's April, 23, 2 kids, and a hubby- a dog and a cat. I'm about to start working again for the first time in over 2 years, unpaid, but it's going to be awesome. My life is crazy and chaotic, and so is my blog- hope you enjoy!! :)

    facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Creative-Change-A-Change-Within-/185062291541740
    twitter: createachange8
    website: http://atpauley2011.blogspot.com


  11. We had so much fun with this play date! We got together with his cousin again tonight and he brought his pirate stuff along and they played all over again.

  12. Hope all is well! You are so consistant with your posting and letting "us" know when you are going to be gone for awhile - not seeing posts makes me wonder about you! Hope you are off having lots of fun somewhere . . ..
