
{Printable!} General Conference Notes Packets

Twice a year, our church has the opportunity to hear from our church leaders called General Conference.  Honestly, I LOVE and look forward to Conference weekends.  There is usually a lot of family and good food involved!

I was recently called to serve in our ward's Primary presidency (working with 130 children under age 12!), so my life has become a little even more chaotic! I created these General Conference Packets for each child in our Primary to help them get a little more out of Conference!  Let's be honest:  Sitting and listening for a couple hours just doesn't come naturally for kids!
They can color this picture of the Conference Center on the cover.

Each Apostle has their own page in the packet!  When that particular Apostle is speaking, the kids can focus on that page.
 For each apostle, there is...
* A profile picture.
*A picture of a tie that can be designed and colored according to what they are wearing.
*An interesting fact about their lives.
* Space to take notes or draw a picture about their talks.

 If you would like to use these in your own family, you can download your own set of General Conference notes here.

By the way... because my Little Man is not quite ready for taking notes yet, we will still be using some of the "General Conference for Tots" ideas that I shared last fall.
Happy Friday!!  Enjoy the weekend!  (I know I will!)


  1. Thank you Alison. I teach 6 (4 year old boys) CTR 5 class, and was just thinking about what to give them this week to prepare them for Conference. I think this will be perfect.

  2. AAAhhhh!! Thank you so much for those! They are so great!



  3. I love these! Thank you so much! All 4 of my kids can use these!!

  4. Thank you so much for these! What a cute and great idea! Thank you so much for all of your creative ideas!

  5. Wow! You really do make my life soooo much easier! I'm so glad I found your blog! I'll be using the ideas for younger children for my kids (only maybe making the prophets on colored eggs instead of pumpkins) and I was looking for an idea to use for all 13 kids in my CTR 7 class! Thank you SO much!

  6. This is such a cute idea! Are you going to get them neck lanyards to hold their nametags?

  7. Thank you Allison this is too cute and I am sooo going to use it with my girls! You Rock! we need to have a park day picnic with our kiddos now that it is warming up! Yay!

  8. awesome. my kids will love this! thanks!

  9. I love your packets. They are the best. They are one of the reasons I first started following you! :)

  10. so cool. i have 4 kiddos that'll enjoy these!

    you should link to this gal's blog, her linky is all about kids/conf ideas, just a thought:

    anyway, have a great wknd! (:

  11. Awesome! I love this so much and will have to print the whole thing out. It'll be fun.

  12. That's awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Thank you so much for sharing. My little man is only 2 months, but I have been really searching for a way to make conference fun for my son instead of a nap time. I want to start a routine now for conference so by the time he understands......we will have it down. Thanks again.

  14. Thank you so much for sharing and for linking up to the Conference Idea Linky Party! Conference packets are always great for the kids! Thanks again :o)

    Aubrie @ http://amamab.blogspot.com

  15. P.S. feel free to link up some of your ideas for tots from last fall :o)

    Aubrie @ http://amamab.blogspot.com

  16. Thanks Alison for all your hard work and for sharing your packets freely. I added a link to your Conference ideas/packets on my blog:


  17. thanks so much for sharing your fun ideas....they will be used well. You are such a creative genius and I love reading your blog....thanks for the fun ideas!!!

  18. What a great idea! I hope to see you link it up this week on Made by Little Hands Monday!
    Have a great day!

  19. I can't wait for my little ones to be old enough to enjoy stuff like this! (okay, I can - they already grow to fast!)

    I am having an "every crafty blog" linky party and would love for you to come and join!

  20. Thanks for the daring packet Alison!! You better believe I'm using this for my kids this year!! I featured you on my blog today!!

  21. As a recent convert (about 2 years ago) I am really loving all of the ideas we're finding on the internet to keep our three year old entertained and referent. Thank you!
