
Sunday Snippets: My Boys!

My boys.... oh, how I love my boys!  These two just melt my heart.

There are days that I want to curse my husband's job for taking him away from us.  The days are long and lonely as a single parent.  But our weekends together are bliss.  I truly only have short and sweet moments of looking at the bright side.  The only glimmer of hope I see is that we appreciate our time together because of our time apart.

In fact, we treasure every moment together.

These two are the best of friends.  They pal around all weekend long.

When his Daddy is gone, this Little Man quickly becomes "THE MAN" of the house!

But he has big shoes to fill...

And many lessons to learn...

But there is something so sweet about this Little Man who wants to grow up and be just like his Daddy. 

Daddy's tie--check.  Daddy's shoes--check.  Adorable--check.

It's not always smooth sailing around here.  There are time-outs, long talks, and plenty of teaching moments.
But the sounds of Daddy and son playing together has got to be one of my favorite sounds!

Just like Daddy...
And growing up way too fast!


  1. Love this post! I'm blessed to have my husband home each night despite his 12-14 hour work days but I agree, there is nothing better than hearing him play with the boys and the laughter that follows. Sometimes, I "hide" in the kitchen just to give them time without mom around. There is nothing better than a father who loves being a dad!!

  2. Adorable! Your boys look like my boys. My husband waited a long time to have kids and he cherishes every moment with his little guy. Great photos...your boys are too cute!

  3. These are such beautiful pictures. The kind you will go back to when he is a older and you will remeber the little moments. Very sweet.

  4. Your pics come out amazing!! I wish I could take pics half as good mine never seem to come out good! And they look so cute together!!!

  5. What a touching post. I'm so grateful for the relationship my husband and son have.

  6. Cute, cute, cute! As a mom of two boys, I can't agree more.

  7. Such handsome dudes! Love the photos...
