
Pantry Door Organizer

In case I haven't mentioned it, we live in 990 square feet.  I don't mean to complain.  Really, I don't.  Soon, very soon, we will have a house, and I will be one happy woman!!  But for now, I have to adapt.  I am constantly looking for efficient ways to organize my small space. 

Welcome to my teeny-tiny pantry:
I don't mean to scare you, but this pantry is teeny!  It is less than 18 inches wide.  Yikes!!  So much to store and simply not enough room!!  I needed serious solutions.  

I started out by making this lovely bag holder to hang on the inside of my pantry.  This could quite possibly be my most useful craft ever.  It's more than just a bag holder.  Because we have no room for a garbage can, we have a garbage bucket, and we use plastic bags as our garbage bags.  I am constantly stuffing this beauty!

For weeks, I had also been dreaming about some way to organize my wax paper, saran wrap, and aluminum foil boxes.  By eliminating them from my shelves, I could have space for more important things--like food, for instance. :)  So here is how I designed my pantry door organizer:

I love the way it turned out!!  I hang it just underneath the bag holder on my skinny pantry door. 

Here are just a couple of notes:
* I made the pockets extra wide to accommodate that boxes' huge width.  I measured all the way around my boxes to get the most accurate pocket width measurements.
* Admittedly, my design isn't perfect.  It tends to lean towards the center a bit.  I'm sure with an even stiffer fabric, it would hang even.  Oh well.
* I am still debating, but I had originally designed to store ziplock bags in the top part.  If you look at some of the early pictures, I have pockets with holes prepared to stuff ziplock bags in.  Maybe I will.  Maybe I won't.

Happy organizing!


  1. I love this idea! I wish I had a pantry to use it in... Our tiny kitchen is more of a dead-end hallway lined with appliances, so no pantry. I'm sure I can rig something up on the inside of the kitchen cabinets though... Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. I live in an apartment and I too am always looking for more space for my 893098409 bazillion things! Every time I get a piece of furniture I make sure it has drawers and cabinets so I can hide more clutter lol! I feel your pain!

  3. That's such a smart idea, Alison! Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!

  4. I love your blog so I have passed along the Sunshine Award to you. You can check it out on my blog:

    Enjoy your day!

  5. Maybe if you pulled them out of their boxes (I hate storing things like that in the boxes, takes up unnecessary room) it would hang a little better and you might have room for the ziplock bags? x

  6. Good job on the pantry organizer! I can't cry about your 990 sq ft.....our humble abode is 640 sq ft and it's a single family home. We have a nice yard though. So I can totally identify with not having enough space. ;) Pam @ Sallygoodin

  7. This looks great! I'm all about some good organization and space savers. The fabric on both of those projects is super cute!

  8. Alison I just love your cute ideas of storage. These turned out so cute!!! Have a great day! ~ Laura

  9. This is so clever Alison!! Great job:) Come check out my blog, I'm hosting a giveaway!

  10. i just found your blog and it's awesome! such cute ideas!! :)

  11. what a great idea!!!! it's so cute!!! I love it!

    I'm no pro, but I'm wondering if you made the pockets "grow" like with folds that would open more (do you know what I mean?)... instead of wide, they would come out more.. I can't explain it and don't know what it's called. You'd measure the same width but fold the two sides at the bottom where it's sewn. Anyway, I wonder if that would help with the hanging? If you even understand me at all.... ;)

  12. Hi Alison! Thanks so much for stopping by and loving my sign! I don't know if you poked around and saw that I was totally stalking you the other day for your 4th of July decor... :) I absolutely adore your blog and all your crafty ideas. And I'm picking up fabric TONIGHT to get started on this pantry organizer, STAT! I love it, and I need it. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Cute. The fabric looks familiar! http://gluegunsandspatulas.blogspot.com/2010/04/i-made-shirt.html

  14. I like it! Do you have at tutorial for the grocery sack holder? I think these would make wonderful gifts!

  15. Very cute projects! Was wondering if you switched the foil & the glad bags~putting the foil in the middle~~would that help it hang better? I need lots of organizatinal help! LOL
    Love your blog.
    Hugs & Blessings,

  16. I love the Pantry Door Organizer! My pantry is pretty good sized, but the shelves are set deep in the closet and my kitchen has very few drawers - this is the perfect solution! Thanks for the great idea!

  17. What a great idea and the fabric is cute too. I love the one for the grocery bags too. Thanks for joining We're Organized Wednesday.

  18. Great post! I love the layout of your text and photos too. Nicely done. I'd love it if you'd come link up to my Home and Family Friday linky party.

