
Bath Toy Bag

Sometimes I find that I am most satisfied with crafts that truly fill a purpose... with a little cuteness on the side, of course!  This bath toy bag was such a project--desperately needed and thankfully cute!  We had a real problem when it came to bath time.  Little Man adores taking a bubble bath almost every night.  However, the old ice cream bucket that we were using to store our bath toys finally bit the dust.  

These soggy bath toys, just living in the tub, were driving me crazy!!  They definitely needed a home.  I remembered seeing Ashley's adorable mesh bath toy bag, and decided to set out to make my own!  No more bath toys abandoned in the tub!

I made my bag extra large so we could add to our bath toy collection.  I used fabric to embellish the bag, and it even matches my bathroom!  I lined the top with brown ribbon, and burned the edges so they wouldn't fray.  I sewed ribbon loops into the lining in order to hang it neatly on my bathroom wall.

Wal-Mart actually failed me when I was searching for the suction hooks.  I found my hooks at Ace Hardware.  So easy!!

I think my favorite feature is that the toys drip dry all by themselves.  PLUS Little Man really enjoys putting his toys away.  He loves putting things inside a bag.  Added bonus!  I think I can help encourage his love of cleaning up...

Enjoy your day!


  1. 1) Bless you. This is exactly what I've been looking for! I bought one of those scoop and drain thingies at Babies R Us, and it completely failed me. I cursed it (not really) and brought it back. This is perfect.

    2) Our kids are twins. Remmy (my two year old daughter) canNOT take a bath unless she has all 26 letters and 10 numbers in the tub with her.

    Nice work, Alison!

  2. We sooo need one of these at my house! The hubs hates the store bought and won't leave it up. This looks great! I love your little extra fabric accent. Cute!

  3. this is a brilliant idea! I'm going to have to try this!!

  4. just stopped by to say that I LOVE love LOVE your blog! Lots of sassy ideas! I would love it if you would add me to your blog list... you are already on mine! :)

    ...visiting from Sassy Sites!
    (cause your blog is a sassy site!)

  5. Great idea and I love that besides teaching a good lesson it's super cute!

  6. I so need one of these, I love it! Practical, and I totally agree, the most fulfilling project can be that one that serves a purpose :) Love your blog :)

  7. i think i might make this for my niece! adorable and practical.

  8. That's a lot cuter than my solution: I simply stuck a couple suction hooks to the tub side and threw all the toys in a mesh orange produce bag. Then, when that "died", I replaced it with a mesh $ store laundry bag.

  9. Great job on this. I also love projects which are truly useful and look great. Thanks for posting this.
