
Blog Swap With Making the World Cuter

Each Friday, I am having a blast sharing some of my favorite bloggers with you!!  Tiffany is here today from Making the World Cuter.  I know she adds a lot of cuteness to MY Oopsey Daisy world!!   

Alison is so dang cute! I am really excited to be here introducing myself to you all today!
My name is Tiffany, since we are now friends, you can call me Tiff...I have 3 insanely cute kids that make my world cuter, and me and my adorable husband are expecting another little boy next month. This picture, (taken about a year ago) cracks me up with my two silly boys being so uncharacteristically darn serious! :)

I blog over here at Making the World Cuter. I am on a mission to make the world cuter, one kid, cupcake or crafty thing at a time! I hope you come over and say hi!I also love photography and have a little photography blog called Pumpernickel Buttons.
Here are a few random things about me...
  • My favorite food is the sandwich-yummy deli style sandwiches are the best, but I love just about anything between two pieces of bread!
  • I'm a student right now, studying web design-but my true passion is photography and Photo Shop so I will probably get my bachelors in Photography when I'm done with this degree.
  • If I wasn't pregnant I would be eating a spoonful of cookie dough while typing this, it really is a wonder that I don't weigh 1000 pounds.
  • I LOVE to organize things...like closets, and offices, and craft supplies and rearranging rooms and...the nesting instinct has kicked in-this intensifies this insane sickness 200%, so if you don't see a post for a couple of days, it's because I buried myself in a closet somewhere, and haven't found my way out yet...
I love to do anything and everything creative, especially if I can do it with things I already have on hand. Here are a few of my favorite projects I have put together...
This wooden tiled mirror...
I like to do furniture makeovers, this glider is my favorite-it was so hideous before!
I generally do easy and cheap projects (and no I am not either of those things-just ask my hubby), like this burlap wreath with fabric scraps and salt dough buttons.
One of my favorite things to make are napkin rings, just because they are easy, and fast to put together and are so dang cute! These ones are made out of a tinfoil tube and burlap.
Here is one of my absolute favorites! Hooded towel ponchos! My kids have been living in these this summer at the beach, at the lake, at the pool, after a jaunt through the sprinkler...and I get compliments on them everywhere they take them. Plus the kids are all super cozy and warm in them. The pockets hold goggles, extra sunscreen, snacks, beach treasures...you name it, it's probably been in there! :)

I love meeting new blog friends and I have a big old linky party on Mondays as well Making the World Cuter Mondays, I really hope you come by for a visit!
Thanks for having me Alison, and thanks for making my world cuter! :)



O man, I have been wanting to make that burlap & button wreath forever!  Holy cuteness!  Thanks SO much, Tiff!

PS I don't have a fresh freebie to share today, but be sure to check out all of my past freebies here.  


  1. I love that napkin ring idea! I have burlap left over from my last project too :)

  2. I love making new blog friends myself, stop by to see my list when you get time. Happy weekend!


  3. That wreath is too fun!! The burlap and red looks so good together. :)

  4. I want to make that wreath as well. It is super cute!
