
FHE Chart {Finally!}

Do you have a project that just sits at the back of your mind FOREVER just waiting to take a clear shape?  I have way too many to count!  Sometimes I have an idea, but I just can't "see" it in my head.  I had been dreaming and scheming up a FHE Chart for months.  I am proud to say that this Family Home Evening Chart is finally complete.  Once I had the vision, it just took a few hours to put together with a bit of help from the hubby.

It all started with this innocent piece of bare wood that I bought at The Wood Connection.  (You will be hearing a lot about The Wood Connection considering I came home with more than $100 of wood from The Wood Connection the last time we visited Utah!)

I really wanted a chart with both words and pictures.  I wanted Little Man to understand the chart even before he could read!  The hardest part of this project was finding the images to design my vinyl.  I love how simple the pictures are... perfect for kids to understand!

I adore the metal bracket (Can someone tell me the true name for this.... I don't think it's really a bracket!)  It just adds a bit of elegance, don't you think?  Mr. Oopsey Daisy got involved with this project, and helped drill in the beautiful bracket.  Thanks, babe!

Instead of just swapping little tags with our names, I loved the idea from You Craft Me Up of using our pictures instead!  I love the classy black and white pictures.  I found blank keychains on sale at JoAnn's, developed some pictures, and cut them down to size. I added a bit of ribbon as a finishing touch!

I love red!  It's so bold and beautiful and matches our room perfectly.  Isn't it silly that this little chart makes me so much more excited for Family Night?  

Have a great week, my friends!


  1. This turned out so cute!! Thanks for sharing... you've inspired me to get mine done.

  2. What a great idea! It looks fantastic!
    I'd love if you linked this project up to my Round Tuit party this week at:


    It's all about finally getting around to things!!

    have a great week

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  3. What a great idea! I love this!!! Thanks for posting. I'm new to your blog and have enjoyed reading.

  4. That turned out so wonderful, Alison! LOVE this idea -- it so cute!!

  5. This looks great! I love that bracket, too. You found some great images for your vinyl! I can't wait to see more Wood Connection projects!!

  6. It really turned out cute. I love it.

  7. You have a lovely blog! I love the FHE board....cute twist on it. Thanks for sharing it! Stop by if you get a chance. Saw you on Skip to my Lou:

  8. WOW that looks awesome!! I love it!!! Let me know if you do make the Rocky Road Cupcakes....I'd love to know what you think. Let me just tell you...it's like goooey fudgey goodness on top!!! OH and I have your crepe paper wreath tutorial saved. IN FACT I practiced last night. 1st let me tell you after I saved that tutorial I found a bag of left over crepe paper rolls at the GW (who donates that??? but thank goodness they did right?) So I bought it and practiced...it's really not that hard. Then I needed to put them away from the grabby hands of Alice Marie and threw them into an empty cloche...they look DARLING in there!! Inspired ANOTHER idea!!! :)

  9. Hi Alison, your FHE board turned out great! Just a quick question, though. So.. you designed your own vinyl images? Do you buy vinyl and cut out the images? I am a bit new to using vinyl.. and I have an FHE board of my own that is halfway done. I've been debating about what to do for the prayer, treat, lesson, etc... and I really like the idea of using pictures, since writing out all the words can leave it looking a bit crowded.

  10. Cutest FHE sign ever... LOVE IT!!! xoxo jen

  11. Love it! Where did you find your bracket?

  12. Do you sell vinyl? I would love to make an FHE board. I think your is super cute. sueellenhafen@yahoo.com

  13. That looks really funky! I like that you picked a strong color.
    This is my first time at your blog and so far I like it a lot and will be back soon again!

  14. This is GORGEOUS! {I just love your blog in general}

  15. This is so sweet Alison! I love the red and the bracket thing. And I think the black and white photos are really cute! You did a great job!

  16. Great Idea!! I love that you used pictures instead of names- definately adds some flair

  17. This is darling!!! I love it. Especially the little pictures you've incorporated along the bottom.

  18. What a neat idea and a great way to keep track of schedules. I love the b & w pics. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!

  19. Oh, I love it!
    These really came out nice!
    I am signing up to follow!
    Thank you for sharing!

  20. BTW I loved your crepe paper wreath and tutorial that I'm doing it and I featured it on my blog today!!!! :)


  21. Looks very nice! Don't forget to link up please.

  22. I absolutely love it!!! And I don't think it's silly that you are excited about it... remember, it's the little things like this that make the world a happy place.

  23. Very cool! I love the key chains too...Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  24. I just had a friend mention that she saw my blog on yours! Thanks for the mention! :D So I have a question for you, where did you find the images? I noticed they are the same as mine, and I have had so many people ask me where to get them. The only problem is that my board was a gift that my sister-in-law made for me at a super saturday (go figure) and I am having the hardest time finding out where to get them? If you sell Vinyl I can tell you the names of the people looking for the symbols, they are wanting to purchase them. Let me know! Thanks again! Love your blog by the way! I am going to be your next follower as soon as I finish typing this novel! :)

  25. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I linked to this post today from the new Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) My hope is to share many of the fabulous projects I see everyday with the vast CG audience. I hope you will not only stop by and subscribe to CG, but will tell your friends about the new category! Hope you see some traffic from it!

    Your feature will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page and can be found directly here

    If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!

  26. Visiting from Hoo's Got Talent. This is very lovely, great job! Come stop by World of Dennifer some time. :)

  27. This is great and it could make a cool chore chart too!

  28. That turned out sooo cute!! Love this Alison!

  29. This is so cute! I need to make one for my family!

  30. Totally fabulous find..for sure! Thank you so much for linking this up to my party at Frou Frou Decor!! Have a great weekend!!
    ~Terrell @ FFD~

  31. Very cute. I did something similar last year at our Super Saturday event last year. The names were on these wood stars...cute, but I decided I wanted framed pictures. Here is my post if you want to check it out.



  32. I've been meaning to make one of these for years. But I don't want to until we're DONE! But if I wait to make sure we're done the oldest could be starting her own family at the rate we're going! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday!

  33. K girlie this is SUPER cute! I have one, but not with the cute pics! The bracket is called a metal hanger at the wood connection, I know real technical right? I love your finished product and especially the red! Thanks for linking up to Hoo's got talent!

  34. Alison This is such a neat idea! I love the red and the picture holders are fabulous! Fantastic job! I have featured this today - stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Hope you are enjoying your weekend! Thanks for linking to The Sunday Showcase. ~ Stephanie Lynn


  35. I love your blog! I have been looking for a cute FHE board idea and I think I have found it. However, I live in AZ so I'm trying to figure out how to get the wood, etc... What size is the wood for your project? Where did you get your vinyl? Where did you get the metal bracket? Please email me at jeniffereliselee@gmail.com. Thanks for the great ideas!

  36. I am looking for the clipart for the vinyl pictures you used. I've found them on another site, but they don't sell or let you download the images. How did you go about finding your images and transferring them to the vinyl? I love your FHE board!

  37. Did you make your own vinyl for your board? Would you consider making everything again and selling the whole set ready to put on a board of my own? I really would like to make one. Please email me at deanosfam@gmail.com. Thank you.

  38. This is precious!! I am a new follower.
    I love your blog, and I grabbed your button.

  39. I love your family home evening board!! I'm not usually craftsy at all, but would love to try and make a board like yours for my family. Where did you get the letters (Family Home Evening, treat, song, lesson, etc.? And how do I know how tall they are? And where did you get the pictures of treat, lesson, etc? Please email me at beth@palombogroup.com Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas!

  40. love Love LOVE it!! Thanks for sharing:)

  41. So cute!! I too would like to know where you got the images and if you sell them!! I am new to vinyl, so I need big help!! Thank you for the great idea! Please email me @ teraslc@aol.com
