
Chocolate Eclair Cake {Yum!}

Oh me, oh my!  Today, I am sharing one of my all-time favorite desserts with you!!  I have seen a few chocolate eclair cake recipes floating around, but let me tell you why this one is different and why (I think!) it is better.... The other recipes use a simple topping of chocolate frosting.  However, my recipe for an extra-delicious chocolate topping is, forgive the expression, the "icing on the cake."  This topping is mouth-watering!  In fact, I have substituted this recipe for other chocolate toppings in other recipes.  You absolutely will not be disappointed!

This chocolate eclair cake tastes even better than a real eclair--but with fewer calories!  (At least that is what I try to tell myself!)  Every time I eat this eclair cake, I am amazed that the layers are truly created by graham crackers.  But it's true!!  Layers of graham crackers, softened by pudding, create the "pastry" layers.

I can almost taste the layers of scrumptious French Vanilla pudding, nestled between a softened "pastry" layer and topped with a rich layer of chocolate goodness.  

Enough tantalizing talk and pictures!!  Here is the recipe:

Chocolate Eclair Cake
2 small packages French Vanilla instant pudding
3 c. milk
1 8-oz.. carton Cool Whip
Box of graham crackers (All but 1 package out of the box)

Mix milk and pudding well.  Fold in Cool Whip.  Line 9 x 13 pan in single layer with graham crackers.  Spread half of pudding mixture over the graham crackers, repeating until all of the crackers and pudding are used up, ending with a layer of crackers.

2 squares Bakers semi-sweet chocolate
6 T. margarine
2 T. white Karo syrup
1 tsp. vanilla
1 ½ c. powdered sugar
3 T. milk

Melt chocolate with margarine and syrup.  Bring to a boil.  Remove from heat.  Add vanilla, sugar, and milk.  Mix and pour over éclair mixture.  Refrigerate at least 10 hours before serving.  (24 hours is even better!)

My mouth is watering so much now that I think I will go eat a midnight snack!! 
Have a wonderful day!


  1. I've made this dessert many times, but I'm interested to try this topping you suggest. =) Awesome post. =)

  2. Oh my goodness. You're trying to kill me. That looks wonderful - now I have to rearrange my day so I can go get ingredients!! Thanks for the recipe. :)

  3. Oh, I had this in college and haven't made it for years. It is fabulous isn't it. Isn't it strange how you make things and then kind of forget them for a while. I would like this for breaakfast!

  4. I'm loving your chocolate topping!

  5. You had me at "chocolate eclair". Gracious, that looks DIVINE! YUM! That icing is very similar to the icing my mom makes for my favorite choc. cake. I'll have to give it a try. Consider this recipe bookmarked!

  6. Ow wow, what a wonderful recipe! I have not heard of chocolate eclair cake before - I'm so glad you introduced it to me!!

  7. I love this recipe, but your chocolate topping is different than mine. Now I have to make one of these so I can try yours. Maybe I should make one of each...for comparison purposes! ;)

  8. Yummy! I have a link to this recipe on my blog:
    Jennifer @ The Craft Barn

  9. I've made this many times as well...and my husband loves it when I change varieties...either throw in a little peanut butter in the pudding mixture...or substitute some cold coffee for some of the milk when mixing up the pudding...banana cream pudding is great with it, too!

  10. UH! I am going to do this with the kids. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Yum! I love Eclairs!
    Thanks for linking up!

  12. Thank goodness and God bless you! I had this recipe years ago, gave copies to my friends, thought I had kept one for myself - wrong! What is special about this recipe is the chocolate topping - awesome! Thanks for posting the recipe - and thanks for the extra calories!
