
Wednesday's Wowzers: So much I want to do!

Hello, my friends!!  I hope your week is off to a roaring start!  I am seriously in denial that summertime is coming to a close.  Are we really talking "Back to School" in blogland.... and even Halloween and Christmas are on our brains!  I can hardly believe that all of the barbecuing, swimming, and just plain lazy day fun is coming to an end.  So bring on the watermelon eating and family reunions!!  Let's enjoy the season!  

I feel so behind with life right now.  I have a million things I WANT to do.
I want to be better at doing learning activities with the Little Man.
I want to de-clutter every corner of my tiny apartment.
I want to catch up on my photo albums, home videos, and family blogging.
I want to catch up on sleep.
I want to be reading a good book.
I want to finally finish that darn quiet book!
Can any of you relate?!

But before tackling my list, I am going to sit back, relax a bit, and just revel in inspiration!!  Here are 6 ideas that have knocked my socks off this week:
You are never going to believe the incredible painted shower curtain that A Girl and a Glue Gun created!!  But I think I love this even more... a surfboard to hang the bath towels on!  I am vowing to make one of these someday.

I normally don't feature a lot of recipes, but every time I think about these Snickers bars, my mouth is watering.  I think I need to whip up a batch, and soon!  Thank you so much, Singing With Birds!

I always loved playing fishing as a kid... you know with the magnetic fishing pole and all!  I have completely fallen in love with this idea from Fireflies and Jellybeans, using paint samples to create fish.  I love frugal ideas like this!

One of Little Man's favorite church activities is playing with stickers.  2 Little Hooligans had this clever idea of sewing a sticker book using those plastic cover sheets so you can stick and restick to your heart's delight!

The Freckled Laundry is absolutely one of my new favorite blogs!  How creative is this--making a clothesline organization station!  I can always use new organization ideas!

Last but not least, I adore this idea of creating a puppet theater!  You can find out how at Making the World Cuter.  

Thanks for making Oopsey Daisy part of your day!


  1. So many great things!! Too much on my list as well =)

  2. Thanks for featuring my Snickers Bars. For all you busy, young moms, these are a snap to make! I have vowed to make them only every 6 months though...pretty rich!

    Happy day and thanks again!

  3. Thanks so much for featuring my paint sample fishies! We are having a ball with them here at our house! :)

  4. Thanks for featuring my puppet theater! You are a doll-and those other ideas are super cute too!
    Thanks! :)

  5. I can totally relate to your list. In fact a couple on your list are also on mine. Especially the de-clutter one.

    Such great ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Oh my gosh, I think I just gained 10 pounds drooling over those Snicker bars. Yum!! More great projects! I love that you share this every Wednesday. You always have the best finds!

  7. thanks for the feature on my sticker books. now im off to check out those snickers bars!

  8. I can relate to your list too! I feel like there is so much I want to get done and I just need several more hands to get it all done!

  9. I can relate!! I've been feeling pressure to finish one book because I have another one on hold on the library and was just wondering why I was beating myself up about reading for pleasure! Plus all the sewing projects I have lined up waiting for me, and the blogging, and parenting, and SLEEPING- Oh, I miss that!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on our blog. I like your roundup!

  10. Thank you so much for loving my blog & featuring my clothesline organization station. You are such a sweetie, Alison! Oh YUM to the Snickers, too!

    And YES, I can relate. I'm trying to get a handle on some kind of a routine that will let me achieve a few things on a list of about 100. Life with 10 month old twins is rather unpredictable. Reading a book is totally out of the question!

    I hope you get a few things done, too!

    Thanks again,
