
Last-Minute Stocking Stuffers

I know you are probably much MORE organized than I am... but just in case you need a last-minute stocking stuffer, here are a few ideas:

Don't let your loved ones forget your birthday!  :)

A wonderful way to stay sane during church, in the car, etc.!

Your hubby will never have to think twice about date night!

A fun way to act out the classic song!

Little Man's all-time favorite church book!

A simple matching game you can make in just minutes!

Happy last-minute scrambling!!


  1. All such fun ideas! I really need to make the birthday book for myself. I never remember people's birthday's until the last minute!

  2. I love all of your ideas and am a huge fan of your blog! Thanks for sharing all these great stocking stuffer gifts. Merry Christmas!

  3. Love all of these--and I love having them all in one place as an easy reference. I am bookmarking this for next year!! Thanks!

  4. I'm so glad you posted this because I have been meaning to make my husband the date ideas book but in the hustle and bustle had completely forgotten about it! Such a phenomenal idea, especially since we're trying to be better about our weekly date nights :)

  5. Great ideas for stocking stuffers - and thanks for the great links and directions for making each item! I added a link to your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/LivingMontessoriNow. Have a wonderful Christmas!
