
Jingle Bell Snowman {Book Advent Day 21}

Yikes!  I don't know about you, but I am ready to stay in and snuggle for the next few days.  We have had unseasonably warm weather in Colorado, so everyone is out and about.  Our local grocery store...library... fast food... heaven forbid, Hobby Lobby!  When it comes to battling crowds, I think I'm ready to throw in the towel!  I'm not sure how I'll entertain Little Man in the house all day, but I'll do anything to avoid the madness out there!

I am SO happy with how this little project turned out today.  Any guesses what book we read?? The one.  The only.  Mr. Frosty the Snowman!  Even though we did several snowman activities a few weeks ago along with Snowmen at Christmas, Little Man is still lovin' Frosty!  I think he's watched the movie 3 times.  So I know I couldn't go wrong with this vintage Christmas classic.

I tried to save some "wintry" projects for last... that way you don't have to wait all the way until next Christmas to use them!  You can take some of your Christmas jingle bells and create a sweet jingle bell snowman any time of the year!  I originally saw this idea on Kaboose.  (In fact, Amanda, one of my readers, just let me know that SHE created this lil guy for Kaboose... way to go, Amanda!)
I didn't take pictures along the way, but hopefully I can talk you through making your own!  To make your own jingle bell snowman....

* Paint 3 large jingle bells with white acrylic paint.  It was a little tricky to paint my metal bells, so I used several coats.  I mixed in just a bit of glitter glue to give the snowman some shine!
* I strung all of the jingle bells together using thin wire.  I cut a long piece of wire and strung the first jingle bell up from the bottom.  I twisted it a bit so it could be hung, and then strung both wire pieces through the bottom.  Then I took the wire down through the next two jingle bells.  To secure the whole thing, I went around the third jingle bell and twisted in all in place.  (This sounds much harder than it is!)
* Using my Elmer's painters, I drew on the eyes, nose, and mouth.
* I used E-6000 to glue a red ribbon around the snowman's head.  Next, I glued red pompoms on either side to look like ear muffs!
* I glued buttons onto the second jingle bell.
* Finally, I tied a ribbon around the neck to look like a scarf!

Here is a close-up of the face:
What a bright, cheery little face!!  He was so fun (and quick!) to make!  

Thanks for making Oopsey Daisy part of your day!


  1. Adorable snowman project! We will have to make some. Just love your blog.
    Merry Christmas,

  2. So cute Alison! I'm the one who made that jingle bell snowman for Kaboose, so it's really nice to see when someone else makes it too! Merry Christmas!

  3. Super cute! And he can stick around after Christmas throughout winter. ;) ♥

  4. I love how the stacked bells turned out. Very cute snowman.

  5. I hadn't checked out your blog in a while (busy, busy), but I love this idea! I was talking to my husband just last night about a book a day until Christmas and now I have all sorts of book suggestions to look through!

  6. So, I just nominated you for the stylish blogger award, because I think you and your blog are awesome!

    Come check it out on my blog!


  7. We featured you over at Sassy Sites for our kid craft party! Come by and check it out!! Have a very Merry Christmas!


    xoxo Marni
