
Paper Doily Snowflakes {Book Advent Day 22}

It's entirely too late, and I know I'll be hating life in the morning.  BUT I just can't go to sleep knowing I didn't share today's book and project!  Today's story, Dream Snow, seems entirely appropriate for me right now.  I DO dream of snow.  In Colorado.  For Christmas.  But it doesn't seem likely.  Mr. Oopsey Daisy (originally from California!) loves this sunny winter weather... but for me, it just doesn't quite seem like Christmas without the snow!

I am a HUGE fan of Eric Carle.  When Little Man was tiny, the only stories he would entertain were Eric Carle books.  He loves the bright illustrations.  So I just knew that he would love an Eric Carle Christmas story.  This book has little transparency overlays to show the snow effect.  Little man loved it!

I really felt like I was reverting back to my childhood for this project.  Today, I made paper snowflakes!  Not just any snowflakes, though.  Snowflakes made from these:
Paper doilies!
I found these at Wal-Mart in the baking section, and I knew they were destined to make the cutest snowflakes.  Ever!

I read somewhere that the perfect snowflake must be made by folding your paper into sixths.  So I did just that.  I folded each doily in half, and then in thirds.

I created all sorts of different snowflakes during naptime.  I definitely wanted some shimmer to my snowflakes, so I added a layer of glitter glue to the front side of each snowflake.

Because I wanted to string up my snowflakes, I hot glued some twine to the back, using tiny felt scraps to secure the twine in place.

I just love how they turned out!  So in the middle of this warm weather, these little beauties can help me keep dreaming of a white Christmas!

Can you tell I was inspired by eighteen25's glitter trees??


  1. Once again.....a VERY cute craft!!! I want to do this with Channing when we start our Winter things in January :-) You are so CLEVER!!!!

  2. They are very impressive snowflakes. I have been using doilies too to make Christmas tree crafts. They are the perfect thing for creating very sweet trees too. I blogged about our trees in the following links:




  3. Very cute! Looks like cutting them in sixths was just the trick! Your setting for them is super festive. I wish you could get your white Christmas. Our area may have one for the first time in 17 years!

  4. love your glitter trees display! :) and your snowflake banner is super fun!!
