
Sick on Christmas??

Guess who's sick?
Little Man came down withe the flu yesterday.  Today was the sickest day of his 22 months.  It broke my heart! With just 2 short days before Christmas, I did NOT think I would be running to the doctor's office and playing nurse today.  I am enjoying his sweet snuggles, however!  Little Man is the sweetest snuggle bug! 

At any rate, I'm going to take a break from blogging to take care of this lil' guy and make our last-minute Christmas preparations.  We will continue our book advent, but I won't be sharing on the blog.  

Enjoy every second of this season with your families!
 PS If you're wondering what books we're reading these last 2 days, here's a little peak:


  1. I am sorry your cute little man is so sick. This was a tradition of mine growing up. I would always get electrocuted by the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve, and on Christmas morning I was always sick from something I ate the night before. This went on for years, and I have no idea why.
    Thank you so much for sharing your Book Advent with us all. I have loved reading it each day, and plan on doing it starting next year when my little man will be almost one.

    Merry Christmas!!

  2. Shame that's bad timing! Everyone in England has been sick this year! If you want cheering up check out the giveaway on my blog!

  3. Bless his heart! I will pray that he feels better soon & can enjoy Christmas!
    ~ Daphne

  4. Aww, poor little guy, I hope he gets better soon!!
    Merry Christmas HO HO HO

  5. Oh No!!!!! I hope he feel MUCH better today!!!!! Merry Christmas to you guys too - hope you have a WONDERFUL time together :-)

  6. I feel for you guys! Two of my three kiddos are sick, including our sweet baby. They're on the mend and I wish the same for your little man. Have a Merry Christmas!

  7. Awww so sorry your little guy is sick. We love reading and I am sure it will put a smile on his face.

  8. Well, boo! Poor little guy. :( I hope he starts feeling better soon!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, my friend!

  9. I am sorry that your Little Man is not feeling well! I can totally relate - our Happy Buddy has been so sick this whole week, too! I will be praying for yours to have a speedy recovery! You are a wonderful Mommy and I hope that your Christmas is the best ever! :-)
