
Merry Christmas!

I have made so many fabulous friends in the blogging community, and I treasure the support of you loyal commenters!  Thank you for making this a very special year here at Oopsey Daisy!  I know we may not know each other's last names, but I still consider you my friends.  I am sending you all of my wishes for a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Soak up each and every magical minute with your families--that's what I will be doing.  I will probably take the next week or so to enjoy having a husband who's home and a son who's finally feeling better.   

Happy holidays, my friends!


  1. aww what a beautiful family! wishing you a wonderful 2011 ( -:

  2. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)


  3. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Sad your little guy was sick. I hope you are enjoying some good family time!
