
2010 Oopsey Daisy Journey

Happy New Year!
The hubs and I just finished watching the famous ball drop... snuggling in his arm chair in his office. There is something so sweet and nostalgic about watching Dick Clark count down to the New Year!  I can hardly believe we are entering a whole new decade.  To think that ten years ago, I had just graduated from high school and started my college years... this last decade has been very eventful!  College... teaching first grade... getting married... having a baby.  I can only imagine all of the events in store for us in this next decade!

I am much later writing this post than planned because I am sad to say that my poor little overworked computer died.  Yes, after 3 1/2 years of just about living on my little Mac laptop, it is now taking a trip to Tennesee to be revived and hopefully repaired.  I feel almost naked without my little laptop, and my husband's PC is not much help! (What can I say--I'm a Mac girl!)

Unfortunately, this means that my blogging vacation will continue for a few more days. I guess this means I will have no excuse but to finally unpack my craft room!  I will miss checking in with my blogging buddies, and please give me an extra few days to respond to comments and e-mails.  But I will be back, better than ever! 

I started this wee blog almost 1 year ago.  I am feeling nostalgic, so take a trip down memory lane with me!  I want to share some of my favorite Oopsey Daisy projects (mixed in with some of YOUR favorite projects, too!) of 2010.

I began blogging with Valentine's Day on my mind.  I created this scrappy little tic-tac-toe board.

One of my absolute favorite projects of the year, I created these burlap bunnies in time for Easter.  Seeing these little guys makes me want to dig into my spring decorations and unpack them right now!

Vinyl opened up a whole new world for me!  In April, I experimented with paint and vinyl to create this London silhouette canvas.

As spring emerged, I had flowers on my mind!  I compiled a humongo list of flower tutorials--3 dozen, in fact!!  This list of 3 dozen flowers, with its sequel list of 40 more flowers have been among my most popular posts.  If you're looking for a bit of flower power this winter, these flowers will brighten your day!

As I anticipated the arrival of my incredibly adorable nephew in May, I threw an entire Baby Week celebration here at Oopsey Daisy.  Among many talented guest bloggers, I showed off this easy peasy rag blanket.

In June, I combined my love for food with preparing for the Fourth of July by dipping some yummy red, white, and blue strawberries.

We rang in the Fourth with some sizzling flag firecrackers.

In July, I started combining crafts with a little learning fun. Another one of my most popular posts was this Chicka Chicka Boom Boom file folder game.

I was so thrillled to finish this Family Home Evening board in August.  This has to be another one of my favorite creations!

September was a beautiful month because these two quiet books were finally complete!  I shared 9 printable templates for pages as well.

You must love candy as much as I do because this Halloween Advent calendar was a popular post, too!

Just in time for Halloween, I made these pumpkin Oreo's in October.  My mouth is watering just thinking about them!

I must love counting down... this fun bottle cap magnet tree was our way to count our blessings throughout November!

This little guy made a big impression, too!  These turkey favors made it into the top 10 most popular posts, too!

And what says Christmas like a homemade gingerbread house?!  Before starting our Christmas book advent, our family created these yummy gingerbread houses.

And that's it--an entire year of Oopsey Daisy fun!!  Thanks so much for joining me on my crazy adventures!!  I look forward to many more fun projects, especially as we really get settled here in our home!  

Let me be one of the first to wish you lots of blessings this New Year!! 

{Insert cute signature here--man, I miss my computer!}


  1. what a great collection! Those strawberries are def going to be done for the 4th this year! Happy New Year!

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!

  2. A fun year of projects! I can't wait to see what's in store for 2011. Happy New Year, my friend!

  3. Where have I been this year that I have to come across such a FANTASTIC blog!! I could spend hours scrolling these posts!!

  4. What a great years worth of projects!! So glad I found you and your blog this year! Happy New Year Alison!!

  5. Hey bloggy friend, I love your blog and I think you really deserve an award which is waiting for you at my blog! We are so happy we found you! Blessings! Those are beautiful crafts!

  6. I know how you feel. My husband's laptop's screen died {but that was a $2000 repair we weren't willing to pay}, so he transformed it into our home computer, and took out our old home computer that I always used. Now I don't have Photoshop among other fun programs/files. Enjoy your break! Hope you have a great new year!

  7. I hope your new year is off to a great start! (I'm glad to see those cute burlap bunnies again. They were some of my favorites too!)

  8. I loved reading this...eleven days late..whoops. I feel way behind too. There is so much to do and I keep thinking about Valentines day but there is too much to do before I get there.

    I can't believe you have been blogging only a year! You are a pro.
