
From Belly Sweater.... to this!

Can you believe it?!  

I'm back!  Ladies and gents (well, mostly ladies!), it's been a long road just to get this one lil' post up!  My computer made the long journey back from the fix-it shop in Tennessee, but all of the files were completely wiped out.  Thank goodness for Apple's Time Capsule that automatically baked everything up.  But holy moly, it's been a lot of organization and time out of my day.  I feel a million trillion years behind, but thanks for your patience!!  Hang in there.  I'll get my show on the road. Eventually!

Before I share this little project with you, I have to share a bit about my husband.  He is a big-time hoarder.  We have a whole collection of hotel soaps.  More batteries than I can carry in a plastic tub.  Don't get me started on Sobe drinks or light bulbs.  He also has almost more clothes than me, even though I would love to buy him a whole new wardrobe!  He has an entire collection of sweaters that I call "belly sweaters."  I finally convinced him to give away a couple of sweaters!  

I debated about what to do with his sweaters.  I actually laid in bed one night thinking up projects.  Then it hit me--why not recycle this sweater to enhance Little Man's wardrobe?!  I searched for a tutorial and found this amazing tutorial at Made to help me sew the ribbing around the neck and arm holes.  Dana is a genius!!  

Little Man is now wearing a sweater vest made from his Daddy's very own sweater.  And he knows it.  He wears this vest with pride!

If you're wondering what happened to the other sweater... well, I'm not a perfect seamstress!  I used the first one as my guinea pig, vowing to make this one perfect.  I should have taken a picture of Mr. Daisy modeling the sweater so I could show before-and-after's.

Getting dressed to go to church is so much easier when I remind Little Man that he's wearing his Daddy's sweater!

Like Daddy, like son.
(After all the cute pictures, he was due for just one grumpy picture!)

PS A new year, a new watermark for my pictures.  What do you think??


  1. Oh - that is so sweet. He is adorable!! Cute pictures!


  2. So glad you are back!! And I love the sweater idea!

  3. The watermark looks good, but I didn't even notice it when I was looking through all those adorable pictures!

  4. Absolutely amazing transformation! And your little guy looks SO grown up in it. Too fun that he gets to wear his daddy's clothes! Glad to have you back in blogland, my friend. (And I love the new watermark!)

  5. This looks great--you did such a good job!!

  6. That is such a great idea! And he is absolutely adorable in it!

  7. THat is horrible about your computer! No fun. Love love this sweater vest. Too cute. He looks so cute in it :)

  8. It turned out cute! Love the argyle. Thanks for sharing with me :)
    - dana

  9. Love all the cute pictures of your little man. So glad your computer is fixed and that you're back!

  10. He is just too adorable! I love the sweater! Great job! Thanks for linking up to Sassy Sites- Trash to Treasure Tuesday! We are doing a LABEL giveaway today, so come back and check it out!

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!

  11. oh that came out so cute! heres mine, http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1865289&l=b7a0c0b874&id=103977814
    i did mine today in a mad rush lol. it came out a lil big for him but still looks cute i think. an i didnt have any sweaters from dad so i used my own!
