
Gospel ABC Scrapbook

I am not a scrapbooker.  
Let's just get that out of the way right now.  I have no idea what I'm doing, and I made this scrapbook with ZERO scrapbooking supplies.  

But I created this book 2 years ago because I felt strongly about the idea.  So let's just ignore the skills and focus on the idea of this book.  Long before I had Photoshop and created this printable Sunday ABC's book, I created this "Gospel ABC's" book in scrapbook style.  I wanted to capture as many gospel principles as I could inside one book, and I think that the ABC's would be a fun way to organize it! I also plan to incorporate this into Family Home Evenings, too, once Little Man is older!

For each letter of the alphabet...
* I chose 1 corresponding gospel principle.
* I selected a scripture and quote to highlight that principle.
* I used pictures from Sugardoodle (my favorite!) to illustrate the principle.

I compiled the pages in a simple scrapbook. 

I used some chipboard letters, adhered to scrapbook paper, and a bit of vinyl (for the "Gospel" word) to make the cover on the title.

I know these pages may not look like much, but this was a tremendous labor of love!  We were living in our third floor apartment, and our printer sat in a detached garage.  Every day, I would print out my elements, and run down to the garage when Little Man was asleep and print them, little by little.  This was one of those projects that just felt AMAZING to finally finish!

If you would like to see all of the pages, you can see my slideshow below.  I don't know how I missed the letter "O" page ("O" is for oopsey daisy! Ha!), but I'll have to add that in later! Click on the arrow picture in the corner to have a full view of the pages.
PS  I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and it is an integral part of who I am!  I know that we all share many, many different religious beliefs.  This project is meant to show you one way that I like to teach my Little Man about our faith.   


  1. Too cute! A good friend of mine made a little flip book for our little guy and at almost 4 years old it's one of his favorite things. Each page has a picture of him from baby through last year and for every letter of the alphabet she found a bible verse that started with that letter! Too cool. Way to go mom for having the heart to teach the word of God to your little one!
    Love and Blessings

  2. This is amazing--there's a lot of work here! What a wonderful book!

  3. Wow. What a wonderful idea! You are wrong - you ARE a scrapbooker. This is too cute and I want to do the same thing for my two kids. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing. I love this! You are truly talented.

  5. I love this! Thank you so much for sharing. I am expecting my first baby (a little girl) in 8 weeks and am so excited to teach her these things. Thanks for giving me a visual of what I have had running through my head.

  6. Very cute, Alison! Scrapbooker or not, you do have a talent with paper! :)

  7. That is awesome!! I love how you put it together with ABC's. You did a great job.. I think I am going to try something similar for my daughter!
    Have a great day!!

  8. I love this! I have been wanting to do a lot more to teach my children the gospel and this is such a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing and for your wonderful blog!

  9. Thank you so much for sharing this :) I love the idea and would love to make something like this for our little girl when she gets a little bit older! So fun to see how other Moms share God's word and love with their kids... thanks again!

  10. Very amazing!! I will have to try this too!! Love all of your ideas!

  11. I was born and raised in Highlands Ranch and just moved from there last July. I'm so glad I found your blog!


  12. thanks so much for sharing. Now i want to do one of my own:)

  13. I love this! I'd say you definitely are a scrapbooker!

  14. Alison how do you have time to do all this? Seriously. It is just fabulous though. FABULOUS. I love this idea. Maybe I need to just start one letter at a time and maybe after a year or so I would have it done. Such a smart and lovely idea. I just love you.

  15. Alison,
    I just love your blog. I've been studying it so I can decide everything I want to try to do. I'm so overwhelmed though! I just don't know if I'm capable. Anyway, I love this book!!! Great job.

  16. I am so amazed by you! I don't know you but I really wish we were best friends! :) I look at your blog everyday and secretly wish I was you! Thank you for all of your fabulous ideas. I am just getting the courage to feel like I can create things....I have a blog where I post the things that I create (for myself - so I can feel good about the things I have done).


  17. I so love this, I totally want to make it!

  18. I really like your book Alison!! I think you must have a hidden Scrapbooking gene in there somewhere - this is so sweet!

  19. This is so amazing! I have a 3 year old son and another little boy coming in June! I can't wait to make this! Like the comment above says, you must have a scrapbooking gene in there somewhere :)! Thanks for sharing your talent!

  20. Beautiful Scrapbook Alison.You are a wonderful Mother:) He's a lucky boy:)
